Using Epics/Balance-Local signal control procedures

Note: You need a license for the signal control procedure.

The Epics signal control procedure allows you to simulate adaptive signal control for an individual node using real time traffic data.

Examples and information on Balance-Central in English can be found in the directory ..\Examples\Examples Training\Signal Control\UTC - Workflow PTV Balance PTV Epic and ..\Tram Priority.PTV Epics.

1.  When you define a signal controller, in the Type list, click Epics/Balance-Local.

2.  Open the Controller configuration tab.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Program no. ProgNo: The signal program which is to be simulated. A change of program is possible if the simulation run is in single-step mode. If the new signal program number is confirmed with OK, the changeover is triggered in the next simulation second.
Debug mode Debug mode enabled (Debug): If this option is selected, the signal flow can be followed during simulation in debug mode.