Add-on module external signal control signal controller

Note: You must have a license for the add-on module.

With the add-on module, you can simulate signal control procedures. These are available as a separate executable program (*.exe) or program library (*.dll). These can either be standard procedures supplied by PTV GROUP or other providers, or procedures that users have developed themselves (using the API add-on).

The files must be in the programming language C or C++.

Note: The DLL files must be compiled appropriately for the Vissim-64-bit version in use.

Some control procedures expect the supply file to be saved in the same directory that contains the *.inpx file. If a control file is saved to a directory that does not meet the requirements of the control procedure, this can cause the program to crash. The supply files of the control procedures Fixed time/Vissig, VAP and RBC can be saved to any directory Vissim can access. Vissim does not need the supply files to be saved to a specific directory. Should you have any questions regarding supply files, please contact the company that developed the control procedure.

If you have a license which includes the signal controller type External, the API source code modules and the documentation can be found in the API directory of your Vissim installation.

1.  On the Signal Control menu, click > Signal Controllers.

The Signal Controllers list opens.

2.  Right-click the entry of your choice.

3.  On the shortcut menu, click Edit.

The Signal Controller window opens.

4.  In the Type field, select > External.

5.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Program file

ProgFile: User-defined DLL file with control logic

Dialog DLL file

GUIFile: User-defined DLL file of supply interface

Data file 1

SupplyFile1: Data for the control logic

Note: The supply files are only necessary if you do not want to include the data of the control logic in the program text of your user-defined DLL file.

Data file 2

SupplyFile2: Data for the control logic

Controller parameters

ProgNo (Program number):The signal program you want to simulate. The signal program number can be specified for a signal controller of type External. This is also possible during the simulation run.

Debug mode

Debug mode enabled (Debug): If this option is selected, the signal flow can be followed during simulation.

WTT files

WTTFile: Value type tables: The tables contain the data types of the control logic and the type of display in the signal controller detector record or in the Signal times table window. By default, a vissig.wtt file is saved to the Exe directory of your Vissim installation. A WTT file must not necessarily be specified.

File names with a path for the program file, the dialog DLL and the *.wtt files can be transferred to external signal controllers. The paths are stored as relative paths. They contain the current data directory in which the *.inpx network file is stored as well as the program directory with the VISSIM220.exe file. Thus these can still work even after the data directory is moved or copied to another computer.

Note: The signal program number for a signal controller of type External can also be specified during the simulation run. The signal program is then changed during the next switch point.

Documentation in English
  • ..\<VISSIM Version>\API\SignalControl_DLLs\SC_DLL\SC_DLL_Interface.doc
  • ..\<VISSIM Version>\API\SignalControl_DLLs\Examples\