Attributes of nodes

The Nodes window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to have the Edit dialog automatically opened after object creation (Right-click behavior and action after creating an object). By default, only the Nodes list is opened.

Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:

  • ►  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired network object.
  • ►  In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu, click Edit.

The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following functions:

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of a network object (Selecting cells in lists), (Using lists).

The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (Using coupled lists).

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

1.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description


Unique node number


Designation of the node


Level-of-service scheme type: Basis for determining the appropriate LOS scheme for result attributes LOS(All) and LOSVal(All) in node evaluation (Evaluating nodes). The LOSTyp is defined Vissim based on the node type when the simulation run is first started:

  • Signalized: If at least one signal head of an active signal controller has been defined for at least one movement
  • Non-signalized: If no signal head has been defined or the signal controller is inactive

The LOSType is only calculated in the following cases:

  • For nodes, whose Use for evaluation attribute is selected
  • For movements with the direction Total
  • For evaluation edges that are entry edges into the node

When you edit a node or insert a new node, Vissim defines the LOSType for all nodes based on the node type the next time you start a simulation.

Showing label

If this option is not selected, the label for the respective node is hidden when label for all nodes is selected.

Dynamic assignment

Use for dynamic assignment (UseForDynAssign): If the option is selected, the nodes for the network graphs are taken into consideration in the dynamic assignment. When starting a simulation from COM, the node-edge graph is always constructed because it is not possible to determine at the start of the simulation whether the curvature of the simulation should add another path to the vehicle, which originates at the COM script. Even without COM the construction of the node-edge graph takes time if you call up the list Edges because there are many edges between two nodes, particularly for low node density. In the list Edges, only the nodes are shown in which the option Dyn. Assignment is selected (Creating and using edges).

 If the option is not selected, the nodes for the network graphs are ignored in the dynamic assignment. If you select the attribute Use for evaluation, the node can still be considered for node evaluation (Evaluating nodes).

If the nodes are not used for the dynamic assignment, deactivate the option. This saves you calculation time.

Use for mesoscopic simulation


 If this option is selected, the meso network node is taken into account for generation of the meso graph (Modeling meso network nodes).

If this option is not selected, the node in not taken into account for mesoscopic simulation.

Note: This setting is ignored for the microscopically simulated sections during hybrid simulation.

Meso penalty (merging vehicles)

Only when Use for mesoscopic simulation is selected: The value [s] is added to the minimum meso gap time between two consecutive vehicles on the same exit lane if they came from different entry lanes or entry links. Used to calibrate the loss of capacity at a weaving section.

User defined orientations

Has user defined orientations (HasUserDefOrient):  If this option is selected, the Orientations list is enabled. The list displays the determined orientation of the intersection between the polygon of the node and the edge to the adjacent node. You can overwrite these in the list when they do not correspond with the real orientation.

  • Column Neighbor: List of nodes adjacent to the edited node in the network.
  • Column Orientation: Select a direction for this adjacent node: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW

Select a direction in particular when multiple edges lead to an adjacent node and Vissim has determined an unrealistic direction. By default, in the case of multiple edges, Vissim uses the direction which occurs the most often; in the case of only two edges, it uses the direction which, in the list of available directions, occurs first (at the top, in clockwise direction).

Note: The evaluation graph for the calculation of orientations based on the current direction North in the network. The evaluation graph only considers the nodes which fulfill the following conditions:

  • For both adjacent nodes, you must select Use for evaluation. If this is not the case for all network nodes, the graph is not complete.
  • The adjacent nodes cannot be more than 500 m from each other. In the case of larger distances, an additional node can be inserted.

Use for evaluation

UseForEval: If the option is selected, the node is considered for the node evaluation, if the node evaluation is selected (Evaluating nodes).

Show classified values

Show classified values (ShowClsfValues): Select this option to show classified values, not to show the display type selected. To show classified values, in the graphic parameters for nodes, select a color scheme and an attribute (Assigning a color to nodes based on an attribute).

Show turn value visualization

(ShowTurnValVisual:  Select this option to graphically show, in the node, along the turn relations, the values of the attribute selected for turn value visualization (Visualizing turn values).

Only active if the Use for evaluation attribute is selected, because only then can movements exist.

Tip: Alternatively, in the Network editor, right-click the node. Then on the shortcut menu, click Activate turn value visualization.

2.  Confirm with OK.

The network object has additional attributes that you can show in the Attributes list. Among them are the following for example:

Element Description


Turn value visualization size: Radius [m] of the outer circle of the the turn value visualization


WKT polygon: Points of the node polygon in Cartesian Vissim-world coordinates in WKT format


WKT polygon (WGS84): Points of the node polygon in WGS84 coordinates (latitude / longitude) in WKT format


WKT location: Absolute position of the marking position of the link in Vissim-world coordinates in WKT-POINT format


WKT location (WGS84): Absolute position of the marking position in WGS84 coordinates in WKT-POINT format


WKT WGS84 latitude: WGS84 coordinate of the latitude of the link center


WKT WGS84 longitude: WGS84-coordinate of the longitude of the link center

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists.

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

2.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

3.  Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated.