Selecting nodes, polygons or segments

You can select and edit nodes in a Network editor. For a single node, you can open the Node window and edit the attributes. For multiple nodes, you can edit the attributes in the Nodes list (Attributes of nodes). The Nodes list contains all nodes, regardless of whether they are currently represented as a polygon or displayed in the segment definition.

You can select and delete single or multiple nodes.

1.  On the network object sidebar, click Nodes.

Note: Do not define overlapping nodes.

2.  In the Network Editor, click the network object:

  • in the desired node
  • in the desired polygon
  • on one of the segments
  • in the hidden rectangle around the segments

The selected node is highlighted (Meaning of node color and line style).

Tip: You can select multiple nodes in a Network Editor by drawing a rectangle or by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the node.