Right-click behavior and action after creating an object

In the Network editor, you can define the right-click behavior. This means you can specify whether a window or list for editing the attributes is automatically opened after you insert a network object, or whether neither the list nor the window shall be opened.

1.  On the Edit menu, click > User Preferences.

2.   In the navigator tree, choose GUI > Network Editor.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Right click behavior

Function, when you right-click in the network editor:

To create new objects, press Ctrl + right-click.

  • Right-click creates a new object: In the Network editor, a new network object of the type selected in the network object sidebar is inserted.

To open the shortcut menu, press Ctrl + right-click.

Automatic action after object creation

After you have added a new network object in the Network Editor, have opened the window or list for editing the attributes, or have neither opened the window nor the list.

For many network object types, you can not only edit the attributes in a list, but also in a window. For some network object types, there is no window but only the list, e.g. for vehicle inputs, pedestrian inputs, routng decisions / routes, and conflict areas.

  • Show edit dialog if available, show list otherwise (default setting): If there is a window for editing the attributes of this network object type, open it, otherwise open the list of network objects of this type.
  • Show edit dialog if available, no action otherwise: If there is a window for editing the attributes of this network object type, open it, otherwise do not open a window or list.
  • Always show list: Always open the list of network objects of this type
  • No action: Do not open the list or window. The network object is inserted into the Network Editor at the desired position.

4.  Confirm with OK.

Superordinate topic:

Setting user preferences