Using coupled lists

Many network object types and base data types have relations other network object types or base data types. For instance, a vehicle class refers to the vehicle types it contains. For convenient assignment and editing, Vissim automatically displays two lists next to each other:

  • In the list on the left, network objects of the type from which the relation begins are displayed together with the network objects' attribute values.
  • For the list on the right, you can select one of the network object types or base data types with relations to the network object type in the left list.

The left hand and right hand lists are linked to each other. If you select an object in the left list, the right list automatically only shows objects with a relation to the object you selected. If there are no such relations, only the column title is displayed. In the list, you can also select multiple or all objects. Then the right list shows all objects that refer to the objects selected in the left list.

You may edit attribute values in both coupled lists, with the exception of calculated attributes and result attributes.

In the right list, you cannot add or delete objects unless they only exist within the objects in the left list, e.g. the lanes of a link. Independent objects, to which multiple other objects might refer (e.g. vehicle types of a vehicle class), can only be added or deleted in their own list or in the Network editor. To add or delete such a reference, the relevant attribute must be shown in the left list and changed there.

Using synchronization to select objects from the list in the network editor

Synchronization with the global selection (in network windows and the Quick view) can be activated in the lists on the left (List toolbar). If on the toolbar you selected Synchronization, the network objects you select in the list on the left or right are highlighted in the Network Editor in 2D mode.

Selecting the network object of an assigned object which itself cannot be selected

The list on the right of a coupled list may also contain objects that cannot be displayed in a network editor. Vissim can, however, select the corresponding network object to which this object is assigned in the network editor.

1.  Make sure that synchronization is selected for the coupled list (List toolbar).

2.  Select the object in the list on the right.

The selection in the list on the left list is not changed. In the network window, Vissim creates a black border around the network object to which the object is assigned. The assigned object is the one that you selected in the list on the right.