Converting segment nodes

When you convert a segment node to a polygon node, a rectangular polygon is generated. Its location and size result from the location and size of the segments. The polygon includes all segments. The lower horizontal line is drawn directly under the lowest point of the segments. The right line is drawn immediately to the right of the right-most point of the segments. The segments within this polygon do not necessarily correspond to the original segments.

When you convert nodes several times, the expansion of the node polygon may increase. Additional segments are added to the display of segments or the size of the segments is adjusted.

Note: Do not define overlapping nodes.

1.  On the network object sidebar, click Nodes.

2.  In the Network Editor, right-click the segment node.

The segment node is marked.

3.  On the shortcut menu, click Convert Node.

Frame and polygon points of the node are shown. The area of the polygon increases.