Defining construction elements as polygons

You can define areas and obstacles as polygons, circles,or rectangles. All other types of construction elements can be defined as rectangles only (Defining construction elements as rectangles), (Defining construction elements as circles).


1.  On the network object sidebar, click the desired network object type of the construction element Areas or Obstacles.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses and the button is shown.

2.  Click again Areas or Obstacles.

3.  Select Polygon.

4.  Using the mouse pointer, point to the desired position of the first corner point of the construction element.

5.  Press the Ctrl key and right-click on the desired starting point of construction element and keep the mouse button pressed.

6.  In order to insert multiple polygon points, repeat the next two steps.

7.  Drag the mouse pointer in the desired direction.

8.  Right-click the next desired point.

9.  Double-click, when you no longer wish to insert additional polygon points.

The last polygon point is connected with the first polygon point. The polygon is closed.

The construction element is shown in color in the Network Editor. The <Name Construction element type> window opens.

10.  Edit the attributes of the inserted construction element type:

The attributes are saved in the list of the construction element type. All construction elements are numbered in ascending order by default, independent of the individual type of construction element.

11.  Confirm with OK.


  • You can define areas and obstacles, in which you import CAD data from files in file format *.dwg (Importing walkable areas and obstacles from AutoCAD). Thereby, you can complete an available network for pedestrians or generate a new network.
  • Alternatively, you can define construction elements in the Network Editor via the shortcut menu > Add New <Name Construction element type> when a network object type is selected in the network object sidebar.