Static colors of vehicles and pedestrians

Static colors are used for vehicles or pedestrians if neither the automatic nor the user-defined dynamic coloring is active. Static colors are defined via the attributes of the vehicle type, the pedestrian type, the vehicle class or the pedestrian class. For PT vehicles, the color is taken from the respective PT line.

The table indicates which color is used, if you have defined colors for multiple objects:

Defined by type

Defined by class

Defined by bus line/tram line

Display color based on

Color distribution



Vehicle type, pedestrian type

Color distribution



Vehicle class, pedestrian class

Color distribution



PT line

Color distribution



Vehicle class, pedestrian class

The color of a PT line has priority over the color distribution of a vehicle type and the color of a vehicle class or pedestrian class has priority over the color distribution of a vehicle type and a PT line.

If a vehicle or pedestrian type belongs to multiple classes, vehicles or pedestrians of each type are displayed in the color of the first class of these classes which has a defined color.

At the same time, you can also display the link segments in the simulation with colors based on vehicular parameters (Assigning a color to links based on aggregated parameters).