Assigning a color to pedestrians based on an attribute

In the 2D mode, pedestrians are displayed as colored oval shapes. You may assign individual pedestrians a color based on attribute values.

Areas in which pedestrians move can be displayed based on LOS schemes (Assigning a color to areas based on aggregated parameters (LOS)).

1.  On the network object sidebar, next to Pedestrians In Network, click the Edit graphic parameters button .

The list with the graphic parameters of the network object type opens (List of graphic parameters for network objects).

2.  Then select Color scheme configuration.

The window Edit Color Scheme for Pedestrians In Network opens.

If the window does not open because the option has been deactivated since program start, click the  icon at the end of the row to open the window.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Symbol Element Description


Opens an attribute selection window. The result attributes can be filtered (Setting a filter for selection of subattributes displayed).

Predefined color scheme

Select pre-defined color scheme list box: Select a defined color scheme and show it in the Class bounds and colors list. The color schemes vary in color and class bound.

  • Red-yellow-green: 11 classes, class size by default 0.500, 11 colors
  • Green-Amber-Red: 11 classes, class size by default 0.500, 11 colors
  • Speed: 11 classes, 11 colors from pink to red, yellow, green to MAX = white


Element Description

Class bounds and colors list

Edit color scheme. On the shortcut menu, click Add to add a new row to the list and define additional class bounds and colors.

  • Lower bound column: Value that represents the lower bound of the selected attribute within this value range. Based on value range after MIN, on upper bound of the row above.
  • Upper bound column: Value that represents the upper bound of the selected attribute within this value range. The upper bound belongs the value range.
  • Column Color: Select the color. You may also enter RGB values.
  • Name column: Name of the class in the legend

The unit of the values depends on the attribute selected and is displayed in the Classification section, below the attribute selected.

Range scale factor

  • Enter a factor for the upper bound and lower bound
  • Apply button: Multiply values of upper bounds and lower bounds by a factor

4.  If you want to change the RGB values in the Color column, double-click the desired row.

5.  Select the desired colors.

6.  Confirm with OK.