Dynamically assigning a color to vehicles during the simulation

You can automatically assign vehicles a color based on their current driving state during the simulation (Driving state of a vehicle). This way, you obtain information on the status of movements of a vehicle in the simulation.

If the 3D models used do not only contain polygons with dedicated colors, automatic dynamic coloring also works in 3D mode.

At the same time, you can also display the link segments in the simulation with colors based on vehicular parameters (Assigning a color to links based on aggregated parameters). In the Vehicles in network list, you can show the driving state for each vehicle.

1.  Press Ctrl+E in the Network Editor during the simulation.

The graphic parameter Color by driving state is selected. The following colors are used for vehicles and are listed in descending priority. If the vehicle is in several driving conditions at the same time, Vissim selects the color based on the priority level. You cannot change these colors.


Motion state

In queue: The vehicle is stuck in a traffic jam. At least one queue counter must be defined in the network (Modeling queue counters).

Waiting for lane change: Vehicle has been waiting more than 6s at the last position for lane change (emergency stop distance) (Attributes of connectors).

Ignores priority rule: Vehicle ignores priority rule to resolve a deadlock situation (Modeling priority rules).

In priority rule deadlock situation: Vehicle is part of a deadlock situation caused by priority rules (Modeling priority rules).

Wants to change lanes: Following the vehicle route makes a lane change necessary that the vehicle has not yet begun.

Changing lane: The lane change is in progress.

Has changed lane: Lane change was completed in the last 6 s.

Brakes for lane change: Vehicle brakes, as it needs to change lanes.

Brakes cooperatively: Cooperative braking for an upcoming lane change maneuver of a vehicle, from an adjacent lane to its own lane (Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior).

Loss of attention: Temporary lack of attention of the driver (Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error).

Ignores signal: Vehicle has decided in the last 3 seconds of simulation to traverse a red signal head or a blocked section of a priority rule because its speed was too high to come to a stop in advance.

Brakes heavily: Vehicle brakes heavily (< -3.0 m/s²).

Brakes moderately: Vehicle brakes moderately (-3.0 m/s² to -1.0 m/s²).

Default: All other states (default)

Reversing: Vehicle is backing out of parking space.

Ignores interaction vehicle: Vehicle ignores interaction vehicle to resolve a deadlock situation (Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior). This situation may occur, for example, when backing out of a parking space.

In Platoon: The vehicle is the lead vehicle or a trailing vehicle in the platoon.

Ignores parking blockage: If the vehicle is trying to park and has been waiting for 60 seconds because another vehicle is preventing it from parking, the driving condition of the waiting vehicle changes to Ignores parking blockage and it still parks (Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside).

2.  Press Ctrl+E again, to deactivate the graphic parameter Color by driving state. The vehicle color is then no longer assigned based on simulation data.