Quick start guide Mesoscopic simulation
The Quick start guide demonstrates the key steps and settings required for mesoscopic simulation.
Note: When you import a network via ANM import, all network objects required for mesoscopic simulation are created and the parameters are set for mesoscopic simulation (Importing ANM data), (Generated network objects from the ANM import). In this case, make sure that the values and settings meet your requirements, e.g. the meso follow-up gap and the meso critical gap (Attributes of meso turns), (Attributes of meso turn conflicts). |
1. Prepare your Vissim network according to the requirements for dynamic assignment (Using dynamic assignment), (Defining parking lots for dynamic assignment), (Defining zones).
2. Select the desired matrix or matrices (Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file).
3. Make sure the simulation duration specified in the matrix and in the simulation parameters is the same (Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file).
4. Ensure that the numbers of the zones in the matrix and the numbers of the zones in the Vissim network are the same (Attributes of zones).
5. Ensure that the settings for dynamic assignment meet your requirements (Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file).
6. Insert nodes for mesoscopic simulation (Defining nodes). When doing so, make sure that the modeling rules for meso graphs are applied (Modeling meso network nodes), (Mesoscopic node-edge model).
7. For these nodes, select the attributes UseForDynAssign and UseForMeso (Attributes of nodes), (Attributes of meso nodes), (Attributes of meso edges).
8. Create the meso graph (Generating meso graphs).
9. To simulate parts of your Vissim network microscopically, make sure they lie in sections (Modeling sections), (Using hybrid simulation).
10. Select the Meso simulation method (Selecting simulation method micro or meso).
11. If you have defined sections in which you want Vissim to perform microscopic simulation, select the desired sections (Selecting sections for hybrid simulation).
12. Make sure that the driving behavior parameters in the Meso tab meet your requirements (Editing the driving behavior parameter Meso):
13. Make sure that for links you have selected the Meso speed model according to your requirements (Attributes of links).
14. Make sure that for links, for which you selected the Meso speed model attribute link related, the Meso speed attribute meets your requirements (Attributes of links).
15. Define the status of conflict areas in the Conflict Areas list or in the Nodes - Conflict areas coupled list (Attributes of conflict areas), (Attributes of nodes).
16. Model node control (Node control in mesoscopic simulation). For intersection control, define a critical gap, using the Meso critical gap attribute in the Meso turn conflicts list (Attributes of meso turn conflicts) and a follow-up gap in the Meso turns list (Attributes of meso turns).
17. To perform evaluations for mesoscopic and/or hybrid simulation, configure the following evaluations:
- Network performance (Vehicle network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result lists)
- Link evaluation (Showing data from links in lists)
- Meso edge evaluation (Showing meso edges results in lists)
- Meso lane evaluation (Showing meso lane results in lists)
18. Ensure that the desired simulation parameters have been set (Defining simulation parameters).
19. Start the simulation (Selecting the number of simulation runs and starting simulation).