Copying and pasting network objects into the Network Editor
In the Network editor, you may select stand-alone network objects and dependent static network objects in 2D mode and copy them to the Clipboard (Selecting and copying network objects). Network objects copied to the Clipboard can be pasted into a network (Pasting network objects from the Clipboard).
With the copy-and-paste command you can use network objects again, whose course, form or other attributes you have adjusted. You may also select multiple network objects to copy and paste the modeled parts of your Vissim network. This allows you to build your Vissim network more quickly.
If you have defined several levels, you can copy network objects from one level into another level (Copying network objects to different level).
Stand-alone network objects
Stand-alone network objects are positioned directly in the Network Editor:
- Links, areas, ramps and stairs
- Obstacles
- Sections
- Elevators
- Nodes
- 3D Traffic Signals
- Static 3D Models
You can copy stand-alone network objects to a different position in the currently opened Vissim network (Pasting network objects from the Clipboard). You may also open another Vissim network and insert network objects into it.
Dependent network objects
Dependent network objects are located on top of stand-alone network objects:
- The connectors selected are copied, if you have also selected the origin and destination link.
- Desired Speed Decisions
- Reduced Speed Areas
- You may copy conflict areas, if all links have been selected that traverse conflict areas.
- Priority rules may be copied from an individual link, if you have selected a From Section and a To Section. If the From Section and To Section lie on different links, you can copy priority rules together with the links they lie on.
- Stop Signs
- Signal Heads
- Detectors
- Vehicle inputs
- Vehicle routes may be copied from a link, if the From Section and To Section lie on the same link. If the From Section and To Section lie on different links, all links of the vehicle routes must be selected. The From Section of a vehicle route may also be copied to another link without the To Section.
- Parking Lots
- Public transport stops
- Public transport lines may be copied from a link, if the From Section and the To Section lie on the same link. If the From Section and To Section lie on different links, all links of the public transport lines must be selected.
- Data Collection Points
- Vehicle travel times may be copied from a link, if the From Section and the To Section lie on the same link. If the From Section and To Section lie on different links, you must also select and copy the respective links.
- Queue Counters
- Backgrounds
- Pavement Markings
- Pedestrian Inputs
- Pedestrian Routes: The From Section of a pedestrian route may also be copied to the same or another area without the To Section.
- Pedestrian Travel Times
You may paste dependent network objects that you have copied from a stand-alone network object into another stand-alone network object of the same type (Pasting network objects from the Clipboard). You can also open another Vissim network and insert copied, dependent network objects into a stand-alone network object. The stand-alone network object must be of the same network object type as the network object copied.
Copying stand-alone network objects together with dependent network objects
To copy multiple stand-alone network objects together with their dependent network objects, around the network objects, drag open a frame. This allows you to reuse the modeled parts of your Vissim network.
Copying during a simulation
You may copy static network objects during a simulation in the 2D mode. Dynamic network objects cannot be copied during a simulation.
Copying network objects with a reference to a signal controller
When you copy network objects with a reference to a signal control, Vissim also copies the settings, e.g. when copying detectors, signal heads, 3D traffic signals, priority rules or stop signs. When you paste these network objects, a window opens that allows you to select whether Vissim shall use the same signal controller or a new signal controller based on the original one.
Copying network objects with a reference to files
When copying network objects that contain file references, the references only are copied. The files are not copied.
Copied base data
When copying the network objects, Vissim also copies base data on which the network objects are based, for example distributions, functions, vehicle types, pedestrian types, vehicle classes, pedestrian classes, and/or behavior parameters.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Capturing screenshots and exporting images
Selecting and copying network objects
Pasting network objects from the Clipboard