Copying network objects to different level

In the Network editor, you can select static network objects and copy them to a different level. If dependent network objects have been placed on the network objects you wish to copy, and you select those as well, you can copy the network objects together.

As long as a copyable number of objects was selected, the objects are copied and their level attribute is changed, adding the level number offset to the previous level number. The level number offset is the difference between the values of the number attribute of the level you copy the objects from to the level you copy the objects to. The level number offset can be negative when you copy from one level with a higher number to another level with a lower number. All levels with numbers resulting from this step must already exist, otherwise the process is canceled.

1.  Select the desired network objects in the network editor (Moving network objects in the Network Editor).

2.  If you have selected dependent network objects with a From Section and a To Section that both lie on stand-alone network objects, make sure that you also select the stand-alone network objects.

3.  If you have selected vehicle routes or PT lines, make sure that you also select all the links used by the vehicle routes or PT lines.

4.  If you have selected connectors, make sure that you also select the origin and destination links.

5.  If you have selected conflict areas, make sure that you also select all links that traverse the conflict areas.

6.  Right-click in the Network editor.

7.  On the shortcut menu, click Copy to level(s).

The Copy to level(s) window opens. The list box shows the levels defined. It also contains the offset number for the respective level against the level from which the network objects are copied.

8.  In the list box, click the level to which you want to add the network objects.

9.  Confirm with OK.

The network objects selected are copied to the level selected. Together with the network objects, base data that refers to the network objects is copied.