Network objects and base data for the simulation of pedestrians

The following network objects and base data are of particular importance for the modeling of pedestrians. In Vissim, use the network object sidebar to hide network object types that are only relevant for vehicles and thus only show network object types that you need for pedestrian simulation. Viswalk does not display network object types that are only relevant for vehicles.

Displaying only network object types for pedestrians

1.  Right-click in the network object sidebar.

2.  On the shortcut menu, click Pedestrian Object Types Only.

Symbol Network object type



Ramps & Stairs


Pedestrian Inputs

Pedestrian Routes

Pedestrian Attribute Decisions

Pedestrian Travel Times

Fire Incidents

Pedestrians In Network


Priority Rules

Signal Heads




3D Traffic Signals

Static 3D Models

3D information signs

Base data

In addition to functions and distributions, the following base data is of particular importance:

Base data in the Traffic menu

Superordinate topic:

Pedestrian simulation