Modeling pedestrian compositions

Define pedestrian compositions (Defining pedestrian compositions), (Using pedestrian types) for pedestrian flows that consist of one or several pedestrian types. The definition is comparable to the definition of vehicle compositions (Modeling vehicle compositions).

In the pedestrian composition, you specify the relative proportion of pedestrians for each allocated pedestrian type. The number of pedestrians used at a pedestrian input is defined by the Volume at the pedestrian input attribute and influenced by the Volume type attribute (Attributes of pedestrian inputs). You can allocate one or several pedestrian compositions to a pedestrian input (Defining pedestrian inputs). If you allocate a pedestrian composition with one pedestrian type each to several pedestrian flows on an area and select Volume type > Exact, you can exactly define the number of pedestrians used in this area.

Do not define vehicle compositions for pedestrian flows because they are bound to links and follow the traffic flow model by Wiedemann (Driving states in the traffic flow model according to Wiedemann).

Superordinate topic:

Pedestrian simulation

Information on editing:

Defining pedestrian compositions

Related topics:

Attributes of pedestrian compositions