Using dynamic assignment

Note: You must have a license for the add-on module.

When using dynamic assignment, traffic demand is not specified by using vehicle inputs with a given traffic volume for specific links, but in the form of one or more origin-destination matrix/matrices. Thus you can simulate a road network without having to manually create routes and vehicle inputs. In origin-destination matrices, you specify the starting and end points of trips and the number of trips between these locations. Thus the dimension of an origin-destination matrix is the squared number of zones.

In Vissim, the dynamic assignment is done by an iterated application of the traffic flow simulation.

Dynamic assignment glossary

The following terms are used in relation to the dynamic assignment:

During dynamic assignment, you can use microscopic or mesoscopic simulation to simulate the entire network (Using mesoscopic simulation). If you choose to use dynamic assignment with mesoscopic simulation, you can also simulate one or multiple sections of your Vissim network microscopically (Using hybrid simulation).

Dynamic assignment takes the toll pricing calculation into account (Calculating toll using dynamic assignment).

  • You will find a simple use case of dynamic assignment in the 3 Paths.inpx file, in the directory:

..\Examples Training\Dynamic Assignment\3 Paths

  • You will find a simple use case of dynamic assignment with a detour in the detour.inp file, in the directory:

..\Examples Training\Dynamic Assignment\Detour

  • You will find a simple use case of dynamic assignment for a drop-off zone at an airport terminal or a railway station in the file Drop-off zone.inpx, in the directory:

..\Examples Training\Dynamic Assignment\Drop-off Zone.Trip Chains.inpx

  • You will find a use case of dynamic assignment with real parking lots in the file Parking Search - Real Parking Spaces.inpx, in the directory:

..\Examples Training\Dynamic Assignment\Parking Search - Real Parking Spaces.inpx