Attributes for path search

1.  On the Traffic menu, click > Dynamic Assignment > Parameters.

The Dynamic Assignment: Parameters window opens.

2.  Select the Search tab.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Path search

On the Choice tab, in the Path choice model section, select the Stochastic assignment (Kirchhoff) option or Equilibrium assignment.

 If this option is selected, all paths for OD pairs with zero volume will remain unchanged (no paths are discarded) when the simulation is started. Vissim will not discard any paths if the volume in one of the selected OD matrices or the trip chain file is rounded down to zero in the current simulation run because a very low total volume < 1 was defined.

If in addition, the option Search new paths is selected, the software finds paths for zero-volume OD pairs between parking lots in addition to new paths for low/high-volume parking lot/parking lot relations.

 If the option Keep paths for O-D pairs with zero volume is not selected, all paths for OD pairs with zero volume will be discarded upon simulation start.

The option Keep paths for O-D pairs with zero volume is ignored, if on the Choice tab, in the section Path choice model, the option Use volume (old) is selected. No paths will be searched for. All paths will remain unchanged upon simulation start.

If in the Path selection type section, the Decide repeatedly option is selected, no new paths for O-D pairs with zero volume will be searched for.

Path selection type

If there are several paths a vehicle can use to get from the origin parking lot to the destination parking lot, the vehicle can decide on the path it wants to take at the following times:

  • Decide at start only: The vehicle chooses its path to the destination parking lot at the origin parking lot or at a dynamic vehicle routing decision.
  • Decide repeatedly: On the Choice tab, in the Path choice model section, the option Stochastic assignment (Kirchhoff) or Equilibrium assignment must be selected. The vehicle chooses its path dynamically while on the road. Before a vehicle reaches a node, Vissim determines the best route to the vehicle's destination parking lot for each turn relation of the node. Based on the Kirchhoff model for generalized costs, the vehicle randomly chooses one of these paths. These costs are aggregated if the path follows a toll route and is therefore a combined path. This procedure is repeated at every node, until the vehicle has reached its destination parking lot. When it comes to lane change, the vehicle accounts for the driving behavior attribute Look ahead distance and at least the next three nodes. As soon as the vehicle has reached its destination parking lot, the path used is saved to the path collection. If the vehicle takes a toll route, it continues to drive on the toll route until it ends.

Select this option, and in the Costs tab, click Previous time interval, same simulation run to perform dynamic assignment with a single simulation run, without any additional iterations. In this simulation run, all possible paths (without loops) can theoretically be used.

4.  Confirm with OK.