Modeling PT lines

You can define PT lines for buses or trains, which operate in a fixed public transport stop order (Defining PT lines). For this, they must have a timetable with departure times at the first public transport stop, and offset times according to the time table between public transport stops and dwell times at public transport stops.

Public transport stop dwell times are either obtained from the dwell time distribution or are calculated on the basis of boarding passenger profiles. They may also be determined via microscopic pedestrian simulation. Before modeling, decide whether and to what extent the passengers in the simulation should be taken into consideration and parameterize the public transport stops accordingly (Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes). In the network model, you can combine public transport stops of these three models with each other. However, the selection per public transport stop applies to all lines which operate at this public transport stop (Modeling PT stops). For each public transport stop, you can enter specific PT stop parameters for each PT line and partial PT route (Attributes of PT stops).

A public transport line in Vissim always has a fixed route. In the case that a real PT line should drive on different routes within the Vissim network, then multiple, separate PT lines must be modeled in the Vissim network.

Modeling PT lines may be compared to the modeling of static routes. However, PT lines do not distribute incoming vehicles; instead they generate them. Start points of PT lines cannot be moved.

Note: PT vehicles drive the route, which is specified by the PT line. By default, they stay within the Vissim network afterwards. In order that PT vehicles do not stay within the network and therefore do not move within the network without routes, model the PT lines in a way that they must move out of the network at the end of the link.