Defining PT lines

Define all public transport stops for the line before defining a PT line (Modeling PT stops).

Note: For every PT line, define a link, which will only be used from this PT line.



1.  On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Lines.

2.  Hold down the Ctrl key and right-click the desired link on which the vehicles of the line are to drive into the network.

A blue decision marker is set by default at the beginning of the link, on which the line begins.

3.  In the desired link, point with the mouse pointer at the desired position of the destination section, at which the public transport line should end.

If no connection between the start section and the destination section exists, Vissim still displays the line path. In this case, you must either correct the destination link and/or the destination section or the Vissimnetwork.

If there is a connector from the start section to the destination section, it is displayed as a colored band in the PT line fill color over a continuous link curvature. A turquoise bar (default color) shows the possible position of the destination section.

4.  Click this position.

The PT Line window opens. The public transport line is marked in the Network Editor.

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the list of network objects for the particular network object type.

5.  Edit the attributes (Attributes of PT lines).

6.  Confirm with OK.

The attributes are saved in the list Public Transport Lines.

If in the Public Transport Lines list, on the toolbar, you click the  Synchronization button, then in the list, click a public transport line, this line is by default displayed as a colored band in the PT line fill color, with the active stops in red and inactive stops in green (default color setting). By default, all PT public transport stops located directly on the line path are highlighted as active in red.

The line path of a new PT line does not automatically include public transport stop bays. You can change the line path of a PT line, so that it does include a public transport stop bay (Entering a public transport stop bay in a PT line path). If you modify the line path, PT stops on the new line path are highlighted as inactive, in green. Even if you move these PT stops, they are still highlighted as inactive, in green.

Superordinate topic:

Modeling PT lines

Related topics:

Attributes of PT lines