Car park attributes
Car park attributes are displayed in the Create car park window. The Create car park window opens and shows the attributes as soon as you click the size of the car park to confirm it in the Network Editor. (Creating a car park). After you have checked the attributes and edited them, if required, confirm your car park definition in the Create car park window with
. In the Parking lots list, you can display and edit the attributes of the parking lots of the car park (Attributes of parking lots).
Element |
Description |
Level on which the car park is to be located
Drive aisle
Attributes of the section on the link or connector located between the start and end point of the car park area
- Link behavior type (LinkBehavType): Link behavior type for vehicle class-specific driving behavior on the drive aisle.
- Display type: Graphical display of drive aisle
- Lane width (LnWid): lane width [m] of the drive aisle. Default value 3.00
- Generate opposite direction (GenOppDir):
If the option is selected, parking spaces are generated for the opposite direction if an opposite lane exists and if the attribute On left and right is selected for parking spaces in the Create parking spaces list box.
- Dead end main direction (DeadEndMain): Define the end of the drive aisle in the direction of the definition either as a dead end, upstream the entry or downstream the exit.
- Dead end opposite direction (DeadEndOpp): Define the end of the drive aisle in the opposite direction to the definition either as a dead end, upstream the entry or downstream the exit.
- Accessible parking spaces from main direction (AccessParkSpcMain): Select the side of the drive aisle in the direction of the definition whose parking spaces can be reached.
- Accessible parking spaces from opposite direction: (AccessParkSpcOpp): Select the side of the drive aisle in the opposite direction of the definition whose parking spaces can be reached.
Parking spaces
- Create parking spaces in the direction of travel:
- On left and right: Add parking spaces to the link (both sides) The attribute list below is displayed in two columns. This allows you to select the attributes of the parking spaces on the right and left side:
- On left only: Add parking spaces to the link (left side)
- On right only: Add parking spaces to the link (right side)
- As opposite side (AsOppSide): Accept values from opposite parking spaces, if parking spaces are inserted to the link (left and right side)
- Link behavior type (LinkBehavType): Link behavior type for vehicle class-specific driving behavior on the links and connectors that connect the parking spaces (that are located on these links and connectors).
- Display type: Graphical display of the parking spaces
- Length: Length [m] of each parking space. Default value 5.00
- Width: Width [m] of each parking space. Default value 3.00
- Angle: Angle of the parking spaces to the link. Default value 90 degrees to the link, minimum: 15 degrees, maximum 165 degrees. Diagonal parking spaces with an angle greater than 90 degrees can be used to model vehicles backing into parking spaces.
- Spacing (Spac): Non-trafficable space [m] between parallel parking spaces. Default value 0.00
- Number: Number of parking spaces based on the positions of the start and end point of the car park area as set by the mouse pointer. If you insert parking spaces on both sides, the number of parking spaces on both sides is identical.
- Parking rate (reverse) (ParkRateRvs): Value range 0 % to 100 %, default value 50 %. At 0 % Vissim will only generate parking lots and network objects for forward parking. At 100 % Vissim will only generate parking lots and network objects for reverse parking. Connectors for reverse parking run in the opposite direction of their start link to the parking lot link.
- Parking rate (forward) (ParkRateForw): Value range 0 % to 100 %, default value 50 %. At 0 % Vissim will only generate parking lots and network objects for reverse parking. At 100 % Vissim will only generate parking lots and network objects for forward parking.
Note: Only select a Parking rate of 100% if you are sure that you will not change this at any time in the future, as it will not be possible to create all the necessary connectors and define the attributes.
- Speed (approaching) - vehicle class (SpeedApprVehClass): Vehicle class whose speed depends on the Speed (approaching) - Distribution when parking
- Speed (approaching) - Distribution (SpeedApprDistr): Speed distribution for parking vehicles
- Direction change duration distribution (DirChgDurDist): Time distribution for the standstill duration when changing the driving direction during a parking maneuver
- Speed (reversing) (SpeedRvs): Desired speed of the vehicle backing out of a parking space. Default value 5 km/h, value range from 0.001 to 9999 km/h.
- Speed (forward driving) (SpeedForw): Desired speed of the vehicle pulling forward out of a parking space. Default value 5 km/h, value range from 0.001 to 9999 km/h.
- Attraction (Attrac): The higher the value, the more attractive the parking lot or parking space. This allows you to account for features of the parking lot that are not explicitly available as an attribute. For Real parking spaces, you can create a linear change in the attractiveness across the parking spaces by entering different values for First and Last. To define a parking lot with attractive parking spaces in the middle of or at the edge of the parking lot, add two symmetrical parking spaces of the type Real parking spaces, with mirror-inverted values for Attraction.
- Attraction (last parking space) (AttracLast): Attractiveness for the last parking space in the direction of travel. The higher the value, the more attractive the parking lot or parking space.
- Evaluation group (EvalGrp): group of parking lots to which the parking spaces of this car park are assigned. Allows for grouped evaluation of parking lots that belong together (Displaying parking lot group results in lists).
Parking route
- Parking routing decision main direction (ParkRoutDecMain): Routing decision of the type Parking lot for parking vehicles of the main direction. Allows you to allocate the parking lots of the main direction of several car parks to the same parking route decision.
- Parking routing decision opposite direction (ParkRoutDecOpp): Routing decision of the type Parking lot for parking vehicles of the opposite direction. Allows you to allocate the parking lots of the opposite direction of several car parks to the same parking route decision.
- ParkRate (Parking rate): Share of vehicles parking on the parking route, default value 100%
- ParkDur: Time distribution for the parking period