Specifying duration of boarding and alighting for a PT vehicle type

You can choose to calculate the duration of boarding and alighting based on the actual number of passengers The PT parameter definition is only applicable for PT vehicles of PT lines.

The duration of the passenger can also change based on a stochastic distribution of the stop time are calculated (Defining dwell time according to dwell time distribution).

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Vehicle Types.

The list of defined network objects for the network object type opens.

2.  Click the desired vehicle type.

3.  Right-click in the list.

4.  On the shortcut menu, click Edit.

The Vehicle type window opens.

5.  Select the Special tab.

6.  Click the PT Parameters button.

The PT Parameters window opens.

7.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description


Maximum permitted number of passengers per vehicle, without vehicle operators. If the maximum capacity is reached and in the attribute Enforce capacity limit exactly you have not defined a larger number of passengers, no further passengers will be able to board the vehicle.

Capacity is exact

 If this option is selected, no more passengers than defined in the Capacity box will board the PT vehicle.

 If this option is not selected, within one time step more passengers could board the PT vehicle than specified in the Capacity box, in particular if the PT-vehicle has several doors.

"Calculation” method

Alighting Time

Boarding Time

Time required for a passenger to alight and board in seconds. Consider the number of doors: For example, if the time required is 6 s / Pass and the vehicle has 3 doors, enter the value 2 seconds.

Total Dwell Time

  • Sum: Sum of the boarding and alighting times
  • Maximum: Special doors will only be considered in the calculation for boarding or alighting by way of using the specified maximum time for each door.

Clearance Time

The time needed for a vehicle to stop, open/close doors, and other possible delays. Do not consider boarding and alighting times.

"Viswalk" method & 3D visualization

Door closure duration (DoorClosDur ): Time required for the doors to close. Default value 2 s.

You cannot edit the time required for the doors to open. It is 1.5 s. During this time the doors move parallel to the vehicle for 1.2 s and inwards for 0.3.s.

8.  Make sure that the following data are defined:

9.  Confirm with OK.

Superordinate topic:

Using vehicle types