Defining dwell time according to dwell time distribution

1.  Define the PT line, the PT stop and at least one dwell time distribution (Using time distributions).

2.  On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops or Public Transport Lines.

3.  In the network editor, right-click the PT stop.

4.  On the shortcut menu, click Edit PT Line <No. > PT Stop <No.> PT Pass <No.>.

The PT Line Stop window opens.

5.  In the Dwell time section, select Distribution.

6.  Make the desired changes:




 If the option is selected, the public transport stop for the current PT line or PT partial route is activated.

 If the option is not selected, the public transport stop is not operated and is shown in green.

Skipping possible

SkipPoss: If the option is selected, the public transport stop is not used if the resulting, random dwell time is < 0.1 seconds. Skipped public transport stops are reported in the Vehicle Records file with its identifier and recorded as having a public transport stop dwell time of 0 seconds.

Departure time offset

DepOffset: Departure time defined according to timetable (Editing a PT line stop)

Door lock duration before departure

DoorLockDurBefDep: This dwell time of the PTV vehicle is the time until departure of the vehicle after the doors have been fully closed. Default 1.0 s

Dwell time

Dwell time definition (Dwell time): All dwell time settings apply for the line stop of a PT partial route.

Distribution and Calculation are always available if the public transport stop is not allocated a pedestrian area with Public transport usage.

  • Distribution: A time distribution must be selected. The stop time is obtained from the selected dwell time distribution.
  • Calculation: Alighting percentage as percentage indication (Calculating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model).
  • Alighting percentage: Percent of the passengers who alight on this public transport stop. This value serves the volume-dependent calculation of the stop time.

Longer dwell times could be caused by selecting the option Late boarding possible at the line stop and then, for the dwell time, applying a boarding delay followed by a door closing delay to a pedestrian.

You can also show further attributes in the attribute list Public Transport Line Stops, e.g.:

Door closure delay

DoorClosDel: Time after which the last pedestrian has walked through doors until the doors begin to close. Default value 3.0 s.

If the option Late boarding possible is selected at the line stop, the door closer’s delayed mode will only start, if the boarding delay is no longer effective.(Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk).

If the option Late boarding possible is not selected at the line stop, the door closer’s delayed mode will start after the last pedestrian has walked through doors.

7.  Confirm with OK.