Using 3D mode and specifying the display

The 3D mode is used to show networks during a simulation or presentation in 3D. You use the 2D mode to edit networks and network objects (Calling the 2D mode from the 3D mode).

Calling the 3D mode from the 2D mode

  • ►  On the Network editor toolbar, click the  2D/3D button.

The button changes to . The Vissim network and vehicles are shown in 3D. The network can be viewed from any desired viewing angle.


  • When you load a bitmap graphic file and then call the 3D mode, the graphic file is converted into a texture. This might delay the 3D display and require more memory.
  • Calculation of the size of a rectangular area accounts for static 3D models. This prevents problems arising through the display of very large models and gaps from being created between models and the area.

Tip: When you edit display options in the graphic parameters, your changes are saved to the *.layx file as soon as you save the network file. You can also save a layout as a *.layx file and to load it again later.