3D animation of PT vehicle doors

The 3D model of the PT vehicle is displayed.

For 3D models whose model file *.fbx includes vehicle doors as modeled areas, the opening and closing of sliding doors or double doors at PT stops is also visualized in the 3D mode.

Tip: Under Base Data > 2D/3D Models, you can use the model Tram - GT8-2S as an example.

Requirements for the animation of doors

  • Boarding and/or alighting via the door is permitted.
  • Boarding and/or alighting at the PT stop is permitted.
  • The door is located at a permissible platform position at the PT stop.
  • If there is no platform edge and there are thus no passengers, then the door must be located at a permissible position within the PT stop length.
  • As of Vissim-Version 2023.00-01: If you open a network file that was saved before Vissim version 2023.00-01 and that contains 2D/3D model segments with animated doors, check the attribute values for the doors and adjust them if necessary. This is necessary because Vissim adapts the references of model files with the .v3d file format to the .fbx file format.

Temporal restrictions for opening the doors

The doors are opened for 1.5 seconds as soon as the vehicle comes to a standstill at the PT stop.

Temporal restrictions for closing the doors

  • For calculated dwell times: The doors start to close 3 seconds prior to the end of the dwell time.
  • For passengers in Viswalk: The doors start to close after no passenger has boarded or alighted the vehicle for 3 seconds.

The closing of the doors always takes two seconds.

  • During the first of these two seconds, the doors will open again if a passenger wants to use one of them.
  • During second of these two seconds, passengers behave as if the doors were already closed.

Once the doors are closed, the vehicle waits another second before it departs.

The number of time steps depends on the simulation resolution.

Moving door polygons when doors are opened

  • The door is moved perpendicular to the vehicle by 6 cm (duration: 0.3 seconds)
  • It is further moved by its width in parallel to the vehicle element heading towards the direction with the greater distance to the next door and/or end of the vehicle.

Closing the doors corresponds to moving the door polygons in reverse order and direction.