Using the Smart Map

The Smart Map displays a small scale overview of the network. A rectangle shows the section which is currently displayed in the Network Editor. If the zoom factor in the Network editor is so large that the section in the Smart Map is not displayed as a rectangle, cross hairs are displayed instead.

If a network is displayed in several Network Editors, the Smart Map uses rectangles to indicate the different sections. The border line of the rectangle that displays the section of the active Network Editor is formatted in bold.

Smart Map is linked to the Network editor. Modifications which are made in the Network editor view have an effect on the Smart Map and vice-versa. For instance, if you zoom into the network or move the current view, the position of the rectangle or cross hairs is moved in the Smart Map as well. To change the network view, change the position or size of the colored rectangle in the Smart Map.

Dynamic objects such as vehicles and pedestrians are not shown in the Smart Map. Network objects selected in Network Editors are not highlighted in the Smart Map.

You can customize the position, size, and visibility of the Smart Map (Using toolbars).

Tip: The Smart Map and Quick View are displayed in the same section by default. To switch between the Smart Map and Quick View, use the tabs.