Redefining the display in the Smart Map

You can redefine the display shown in the Network Editor in 2D mode by drawing a new rectangle in the Smart Map.

Note: If a network is displayed in several Network editors, the Smart Map uses rectangles to indicate the different views.

1.  Click into the Network Editor.

The Network Editor is activated.

2.  In the Smart Map, point the mouse pointer to a position outside of all rectangles.

Note: If you want to start drawing the rectangle within a rectangle, you also have to hold down the Shift key in the next step.

3.  Hold down the left mouse button.

The pointer appears as magnifier.

4.  Drag the rectangle to the desired size and release the mouse button.

The network window view is adjusted according to the Smart Map.

Tip: Alternatively, you can select Redefine section in the shortcut menu and draw a rectangle.

Superordinate topic:

Using the Smart Map