Using polygon nodes and segment nodes

Vissim distinguishes between polygon nodes and segment nodes:

Polygon nodes: in figure, node 70. By default, polygon nodes are used in Vissim because they can be easily defined and edited. You always add a node as a polygon node in Vissim (Defining nodes).

Segment nodes consist of link segments, as shown in figure node 69.

A polygon node can be converted into a segment node and vice versa (Converting polygon nodes), (Converting segment nodes).

During the ANM import of external data, nodes in Vissim are always generated as link segments (Importing ANM data).

The definition of nodes as link segments allows a more detailed editing of the node (Selecting nodes, polygons or segments).


  • If you have defined a node manually and in a node polygon, a fast road e.g. continues as a bridge above the node, you can convert the polygon node into segments and remove all segments on the fast road from the node so that the fast road is no longer part of the node.
  • If you have imported a node as a link segment, you can convert it to a polygon, in order to change its spatial extent at the polygon level to the segment level.


  • Attributes of the polygon nodes and segment nodes are identical.
  • The colors from polygon nodes and segment nodes are identical.
  • In the dynamic assignment, the polygon nodes and segment nodes are considered in the same manner.