Meaning of node color and line style

In the graphic parameters of the network object type Nodes, you can define a fill style, fill color, border line style and border line color for nodes (List of graphic parameters for network objects).

How visualization is implemented also depends on the following settings and factors:

A node is selected.

The border of the selected polygon node or segment node is a solid yellow line. Filled circles are displayed at the corner points of the polygon node.

Multiple nodes are selected.

The border of each node selected is a solid yellow line. There are no filled circles are displayed at the corner points of the polygon node.

No node is not selected.

The Drawing mode attribute of the network object type Node defines the color:

  • Use constant colors: The border of a polygon node or segment node is drawn as a solid line. The color depends on the node type:
  • Polygon node: The Border color attribute defines the color of the border.
  • Segment node: The color of the border is dark gray.
  • Color by function: For polygon nodes and segment nodes, the border and color depend on the node type:
Color and style of the border node type selected

solid white

no node type

solid green

Use for evaluation

solid red

Use for dynamic assignment

solid black

Use for evaluation and for dynamic assignment

white, dashed

Use for mesoscopic simulation

not white, dashed Use for mesoscopic and other simulations