List of graphic parameters for network objects

You can set graphic parameters for a type of network object for the network editor last used (Editing graphic parameters for network objects). Depending on the network object type, in addition to general graphic parameters, this may also be network object specific parameters.

If network objects are composed of multiple components, you can assign separate colors to some of them. For example, you can select the color for the mast and the signal arm for 3D traffic signals.

You cannot define graphic parameters for backgrounds

When you display network objects in the network editor, the display type settings have priority over the graphic parameter settings for network objects (Defining display types).

Not all graphic parameters are effective in 2D mode and 3D mode (Selecting display options).

General graphic parameters

You can define the following general graphic parameters for most network object types:

Graphic parameter Description

Object visibility

If this option is selected, the network objects of this network object type are displayed in a network editor

If an object of the network object type is selected, the attribute cannot be deactivated.

If this option is not selected, the non-selected network objects of this type are not displayed in the Network editor when a different network object type is selected.

If this option is not selected, but Label visibility and a label attribute have been selected:

  • In the Network editor, only the labels of network objects of this network object type are displayed.
  • In the Network editor, the network objects of this network object type are not displayed.
  • The graphic parameters preview symbol is highlighted in a lighter color.

Label visibility

Select this option to show a 2D label for each network object of this type in the network editor.

By default, the label is displayed in the center of the network object. In the Insert mode, use the mouse to move the position of the respective network object type.

Label color

Color of label

Label attribute

Opens the window <Name of network object type: Select Attribute>. Click the attribute whose value you want to show as a label.

Label decimals

Number of decimal places in label

Label font size

Font size of label in points (pt)

Use label color scheme

Labeling of network objects using a color scheme based on attribute values. Next to the margin on the right, click the symbol to open the Edit label color scheme window:

  • Classification by color: Attribute by whose values the color is classified
  • Color for undefined value: Label color when the attribute lies outside the upper and lower limits
  • : Select a pre-defined color scheme that contains class bounds and colors. The color schemes vary in color and class bound. If named color schemes are defined, you can also select the desired color scheme from them. You can add new named color schemes, rename, delete named color schemes, or assign class boundaries and colors from another color scheme (Using named color schemes).
  • Range scale factor:
  • Enter a factor for the upper bound and lower bound
  • Apply button: Multiply values of upper bounds and lower bounds by a factor
Label background color

Color of the area in which the label is displayed.

The default color for vehicles in the network: transparent gray. The default color for other network objects: transparent

Legend contains <parameter>

The legend contains a description of the symbols and colors of the network object types, for which under Graphic parameters, you selected Legend contains <parameter>.

Network object specific graphic parameters

You can only set the following graphic parameters for the network object types listed.

Graphic parameters for filling and outlines

The following network object types have graphic parameters for filling and outlines:

  • Reduced Speed Areas
  • Detectors
  • Parking Lots
  • Public transport stops
  • Public Transport Lines
  • Static 3D Models
  • Pedestrian Inputs
  • Links
  • Connectors in the graphic parameters of the network object type Links
  • Nodes and node segments
  • Sections
  • Elevators
  • Pedestrian Attribute Decisions
  • Pedestrian Routes
  • Pedestrian Travel Times
  • Fire Events
Graphic parameter Description
  • Fill style
  • Connector fill style
  • Segment fill style
  • Solid fill: Display fill color or color scheme color in the network object
  • No fill: Do not display fill color or color scheme color in the network object. Select this option together with the border line style No line to hide the network object, irrespective of the attribute Object visibility.
  • Fill color
  • Connector fill color
  • Segment fill color
  • PT line fill color

Color within outline area of network object or color of line. The graphic parameter Use display type must not be selected.

Using the fill style Solid fill and a fill color with the Alpha value set to 0 in the color definition, the network objects of the network object type are transparent in 2D and 3D. The transparent option for network object types should only be used where it is absolutely necessary to create transparency. This option reduces the rendering speed and thus the display and visualization quality of large, transparent objects.

  • Avoid using “Transparency” for a completely transparent floor, for instance.
  • Use Transparency for windows or individual transparent wall segments, for example. When designing balustrades for escalators, a transparent design creates a modern look. Additionally, pedestrians are more visible. The window panes of vehicle models created as ScetchUp files can be transparent.
  • Border line style
  • Connector border line style
  • Segment border line style

Object border style:

  • Solid line
  • No line
  • Border color
  • Connector border color
  • Segment border color

Color of object border

Graphic parameters for line color

The network objects of the following network object types are displayed as a colored line that run via a link or lane, or they contain lines. You define the line color via the graphic parameter Line color:

  • Desired Speed Decisions
  • Vehicle attribute decisions
  • Stop Signs
  • Signal Heads
  • Vehicle Inputs
  • Queue Counters
  • Flow Bundles
  • Data Collection Points
  • Pavement Markings

Graphic parameters for Start line color, End line color, route course and public transport stops.

The beginning and end of network objects of the following network object types are displayed as a colored line that runs across a link or lane:

  • Priority Rules
  • Vehicle Travel Times
  • Public Transport Lines
  • Vehicle routes: For each type of vehicle route you may also specify the color of the route course and of the public transport stops:
  • Static route color
  • Partial route color
  • Partial PT route color
  • Route closure color
  • Parking lot route color
  • Managed Lane general route color
  • Managed lane route color
  • Active stop color
  • Active direction-change-stop color
  • Inactive stop color
Graphic parameter Description
Start line color Color of section at the beginning of network object
End line color Color of section at the end of network object

Graphic parameters for min. clearance of priority rules

Graphic parameters Description
Clearance visibility

If this option and the destination section of a priority rule are selected, the min. clearance of the priority rule is displayed in the 2D mode as a triangle across the lane width. The triangle is pointing downstream. The number of lanes is considered for which priority rules have been defined.

Clearance color

Color of triangles in which min. clearances are displayed, if the attribute Clearance visibility has been selected.

Graphic parameters for display of signal heads in 3D mode

Graphic parameter Description
Signal head display mode 3D
  • Blocks
  • Stop lines: Display as stop lines on links for vehicles and on links for which the attribute Is pedestrian area has been selected.
  • Stop lines (vehicle links only): Display as stop lines on links for vehicles. Stop lines are not shown on links for which the attribute Is pedestrian area has been selected.
  • Invisible: hide signal heads exclusively in 3D mode. The signal heads are displayed in 2D mode.

Graphic parameters for display of 3D Traffic Signals

You may specify the colors used in a 2D schematic diagram of the components of a 3D Traffic Signal:

Graphic parameter Description
Signal arm color 2D
  • Color of line that represents the arm
  • Outline color of circle at the end of the arm
Signal head color 2D

Outline color of circle that represents the signal head

Mast color 2D

Outline color of diamond that represents the mast

Streetlight color 2D
  • Color of line that represents the street light arm
  • Outline color of rectangle at the end of the arm
Color 2D

Outline color of 3D Traffic Signal

Graphic parameters for display of links and connectors

Graphic parameter Description
Wireframe color

only in 2D mode: Color of links in wireframe display

Connector wireframe color

only in 2D mode: Color of connectors in wireframe display

Overtaking lane drawing mode

only in 2D mode:

  • Links only: Only the contour of the overtaking lane, without filling, is displayed. Still the overtaking lane is taken into account in the simulation. This allows you, for example, to ignore the overtaking vehicles on the oncoming lane when using color schemes for routes, but to still display the oncoming lane in color.
  • Links and overtaking lanes: The overtaking lane is displayed in pink hatched.

Graphic parameters for display of link bars and lanes

Link bars visualize in 2D mode the values of a selected attribute on links or instead of links. Values of dynamic attributes can be shown as link bars, if in the graphic parameter Link bar configuration of the network object type Links, for the attribute Link bar representation > Segment-based is selected.

Graphic parameter Description
Link bar display type
  • No link bars: Links are displayed without link bars.
  • Only link bars: Links bars are shown instead of links.
  • Links and link bars: Links are displayed together with link bars.
Link bar configuration

Opens the Edit Link Bar window:


Link bar representation::

  • Segment-based: Link bars for individual segments of the link
  • Link-based: Show link bars for entire link
  • Base color: Color of link bar, default RGB 190, 0, 0

Classification by width:

Attribute  <Attribute name> : The link bar width is based on values of the selected attribute as well as on the following settings. If the value is negative, the width is based on the absolute value.

Width scale:

  • Automatic: Vissim specifies the width.
  • Manually: For the width, you can enter a minimum value Scale (minimum): and a maximum value Scale (Maximum). If the absolute value of the attribute is smaller than the specified minimum value, the link bar is not drawn. If the absolute value of the attribute is greater than the specified maximum value, the link bar is drawn with its maximum width.
  • Scale bar width (maximum): maximum width for link bars with automatic width
  • Lateral offset: Distance between links and link bars

Classification by color:

  • No classification: Link bars are not classified by color in the network editor. The <Attribute name> field and the Class bounds and colors: list below it are not active and cannot be edited.
  • Based on attribute: The color of the link attribute is based on the values of the attribute selected in the field  <Attribute name > as well as on the Class bounds and colors:

Class bounds and colors:

  • Lower bound column: Value that represents the lower bound of the selected attribute within this value range. Based on value range after MIN, on upper bound of the row above.
  • Upper bound column: Value that represents the upper bound of the selected attribute within this value range. The upper bound belongs the value range.
  • Name column: Name of the class in the legend

: Select a pre-defined color scheme that contains class bounds and colors. The color schemes vary in color and class bound.

Range scale factor:

  • Enter a factor for the upper bound and lower bound
  • Apply button: Multiply values of upper bounds and lower bounds by a factor
Color of pavement markings

Color of pavement markings between the lanes of links with multiple lanes

Width of lane markings

Width (in meters) of lane markings between the lanes of links with multiple lanes, 0 = no markings.

Lane markings are no longer displayed when you zoom far out of the Vissim network.

Graphic parameters for drawing mode of network objects

The colored display of network objects of the following network object types can be based on graphic parameters that specify a permanent color, display type or color scheme. The colored display of network objects can also be based on simulation data. Define the display via the graphic parameter Drawing mode.

  • Links, parking lots, nodes, sections, areas, obstacles, ramps & stairways:
Graphic parameter Description

Use consistent color

Display network objects of the network object type in the color of the graphic parameter Fill style.

Use display type

Show network objects with display type assigned to network object (Defining display types)

  • Vehicles in network, pedestrians in network, links, parking lots, nodes, areas, ramps and stairways:
Graphic parameter Description

Color scheme configuration

Opens the Edit color scheme window: Select classification based on attribute values of an attribute and display network objects in this color scheme for:

If you select an attribute and then change the classification type, the selected attribute will be adopted and you do not have to select it again.

  • The display of Vehicles In Network and Pedestrians In Network can be based on a color distribution. The desired color distribution must be assigned to the desired vehicle type or pedestrian type.
Graphic parameter Description

Color by color distribution

During simulation, vehicles and/or pedestrians are displayed in color according to the color distribution assigned to your vehicle type or pedestrian type.

  • The display of Vehicles in network may also be based on the driving state or parking state of vehicles during the simulation run.
Graphic parameter Description

Color by driving state

During simulation vehicles are displayed in a color that represents their driving state (Driving state of a vehicle). During a simulation run you may switch between this view and the default view (Dynamically assigning a color to vehicles during the simulation). You cannot edit the colors.

Color by parking state

During simulation vehicles are displayed in a color that visualizes the value of the vehicle attribute parking state (Displaying vehicles in the network in a list). The parking state takes into account the effects of routing decisions made in the same time step. During a simulation run you may switch between this view and the default view (Dynamically assigning a color to vehicles during the simulation).



 Waiting for free parking space

 Drives to parking space

 Blocked while leaving parking space

 Back to the route

 Parking request rejected

You cannot edit the colors.

Graphic parameters for the display of vehicle and pedestrian shapes

Graphic parameter Description

Shape (2D)

  • Rectangle: Display vehicles and/or pedestrians as rectangles in 2D mode. Simulations might run faster than possible with the graphic parameter Rounded.
  • Rounded: Display vehicles and/or pedestrians as rounded corners in 2D mode. Simulations might run slower than possible with the graphic parameter Rectangle.
Graphic parameters for the alignment of vehicle labels
Graphic parameter Description

Auto-rotate label

The graphics parameter Label visibility must be selected.

If the option is selected, the label is automatically rotated so that its base line is always aligned along the vehicle.

You cannot move the label.

Graphic parameters for the display of areas and nodes based on their function

Graphic parameter Description

Color by function

Only for Nodes (Meaning of node color and line style):  Select this option to visualize nodes based on their attribute values Use for evaluation, Use for mesoscopic simulation and Use for dynamic assignment:

  • If for the Fill style attribute, Solid fill is selected, nodes are filled with the same color as the border.
  • If no node is selected, the border color depends on the node type selected:
Color and style of the border node type selected

solid white

no node type

solid green

Use for evaluation

solid red

Use for dynamic assignment

solid black

Use for evaluation and for dynamic assignment

white, dashed

Use for mesoscopic simulation

not white, dashed Use for mesoscopic and other simulations


For areas only:  The option Color by function is selected by default: The area fill color displayed depends on the area function: The Drawing order 3D attribute of the display type is assigned and cannot be edited (Defining display types). Depending on the area function, the drawing order requires that overlapping areas are displayed on top of each other.



Drawing order
Green A pedestrian input is located in the area.

Top 2: Top position

Red A destination section of a pedestrian route is located in the area.

Top 1: Position on top of Center and under Top 2


Platform edge is selected for the Public transport usage attribute of the area.


Blue Waiting area is selected for the Public transport usage attribute of the area.

Bottom 1: Position under Center and on top of Bottom 2


All other areas

Bottom 2: Bottom position

If an area has several functions, the order of the colors in the table determines the fill color priority for displaying the area.

In wireframe display the colors are used for the edges of the areas.

Graphic parameter for turn value visualization

Visualize turn values graphically in the Network editor using result attributes of a node along turn relations (Visualizing turn values), (Configuring turn value visualization).

Graphic parameters for visualizing the volume on paths with flow bundles
Graphic parameters Description

Show flow bundle bars

If a flow bundle or at least a filter cross section is selected, the volume on the respective paths is displayed using flow bundle bars (Visualizing volumes on paths as flow bundles), (Displaying flow bundle bars).

Next to the margin on the right, click the symbol to open the Edit Flow bundle bars window:

The classification by width is based on the flow bundle volume.

  • Color: Yellow by default. Double-click the field to set the color.
  • Width scale:
  • Automatic: Vissim specifies the width.
  • Manually: For the width, you can enter a minimum value Scale (minimum): and a maximum value Scale (Maximum). If the absolute value of the attribute is smaller than the specified minimum value, the flow bundle bar is not drawn. If the absolute value of the attribute is greater than the specified maximum value, the flow bundle bar is drawn with its maximum width.
  • Scale bar width (maximum): maximum width for flow bundle bars with automatic width
  • Lateral offset: Distance between links and flow bundle bars

Graphic parameters for visualizing of queue lengths

In the network editor, the visualization of queue lengths on links and connectors is based on the evaluation of the queue length of nodes and/or on queue counters.

  • ►  Under Graphic parameters of the network object type, select the desired settings for Nodes and/or Queue Counters:
Graphic parameters Description
Show queue lengths

In 2D mode: The network editor displays queue lengths on links and connectors based on the selected network object type Nodes and/or Queue Counters. If not all values can be displayed due to lack of space, Vissim displays the larger value.

Queue length attribute Click the symbol in the right margin to open a window that allows you to select the desired attribute or subattribute of the queue length. The queue lengths visualized in the network editor are based on the values of this attribute.
Queue length color In the network editor, color of the bars that represent queue lengths on links and connectors.
Show queue length label Displays the queue length in a text field at the end of the queue. The frame of the text field is displayed in the Queue length color.

Graphic parameters for visualizing fire events

The visualization of a fire event in the network editor is based on the data of the quantities stored in the *.q file. The names of these quantities are stored in the *.fds file. You select this file when you add the network object Fire event (Defining fire events).

To display FDS data in 3D simulation mode, select the DirectX11 graphics driver (Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings). Fire events are only displayed during the simulation run.

  • ►  In the graphic parameters of the network object type Fire events, select the settings of your choice.
Graphic parameters Description

Quantity ID

ID of the Plot3D quantity that is displayed in the network editor, for example TEMPERATURE. The ID also depends on the FDS version and can vary depending on the version used.

Quantity scale

Value used to calculate transparency or opacity. Default value 1.00

Quantity color

Color used to display the fire event. The color is displayed more or less transparent depending on the values of the quantity selected and transparency calculation.

Graphic parameters with hatched cells

Hatched cells contain irrelevant attribute values that due to other attribute values have no effect. If, for example, the Label visibility is deactivated, the graphic parameters Label color, Label attribute, Label decimals and Label font size are displayed as hatched.