Defining parking lots

You can define parking lots in a network editor on a link or connector:

A parking lot can be modeled as a parallel, diagonal or perpendicular parking lot.


1.  On the network object sidebar, click Parking Lots.

2.  With the mouse pointer, point to the position in the link at which the parking lot is to begin.

3.  Hold down the Ctrl key and the right mouse button, and drag the pointer to the desired end position.

4.  Release the keys.

The parking lot is inserted. The Parking Lot window opens.

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the list of network objects for the particular network object type.

5.  Edit the attributes (Attributes of parking lots).

6.  Confirm with OK.

The attributes are saved in the Parking Lots list.

For individual, adjacent parallel parking lots, accordingly define long, adjacent links and connectors on which you can place individual parking lots of the desired length.

Note: For traffic to build up on a lane because of parking vehicles, the Observe adjacent lane(s) option must be selected (Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior).