Using vehicle categories

The Vehicle category attribute of a vehicle type specifies its basic behavior in traffic (Operating principles of the car following model). The latter varies between individual vehicle categories. For example, the vehicle category Tram does not allow for lane changes and the speed of vehicles of this category is not based on a desired speed. You need to assign each vehicle type a vehicle category (Editing static data of a vehicle type). Vissim provides the following default vehicle categories:

  • Car
  • HGV
  • Bus
  • Tram
  • Pedestrian
  • Bike

The table shows the properties of vehicle categories that differ from the properties of the vehicle category Car:

Vehicle category Differing property



The properties correspond to the properties of the car vehicle category.




  • Doesn't have an occupancy distribution, just one person (Using occupancy distributions)
  • Has 21 motion states:
  • Has a state for cyclists
  • 20 states for motion sequence of one crank revolution