Configuring turn value visualization

1.  Make sure that:

2.  On the network object sidebar, next to Nodes, click the Edit graphic parameters button  (Editing graphic parameters for network objects).

3.  Select the option Show turn value visualization.

4.  Next to Show turn value visualization, click the symbol.

The window Edit turn value visualization opens.

5.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Base color

Line color of turn relations in the node, if for the node, Show turn value visualization is selected, there are movements, but no values available yet that could be visualized as turn values. This may for instance be the case, if no vehicle in the simulation has reached the end of turn relation yet.


Indicates the numeric attribute values, with the selected number of decimal places.

Show sum

Displays the total of values of the attribute selected for Classification by width at the beginning and end of each movement. For Vissim to be able to show numeric attribute values and sums, several elements of the program interface must be set large enough (Visualizing turn values).

Classification by width

Attribute <Attribute name> : The width of turn volumes and the numeric attribute values displayed at the beginning and end of turn volumes are based on the values of the selected attribute as well as on the following settings:

Width scale:

  • Automatic: Vissim specifies the width.
  • Manually: For the width, you can enter a minimum value Scale (minimum): and a maximum value Scale (Maximum). If the value of the attribute is smaller than the specified minimum value, the turn value bar is not drawn. If the value of the attribute is greater than the specified maximum value, the turn value bar is drawn with its maximum width.
  • Turn value bar width (maximum)::Maximum width for turn value bars with automatically adjusted width. If the message Visualization is not possible because of overlapping. is displayed, the turn value bars take up too much space to be displayed next to each other. Reduce the width of turn value bar.

Classification by color

  • No classification: Turn volumes are not classified by color in the network editor. The <Attribute name> field and the Class bounds and colors: list below it are not active and cannot be edited.
  • Based on attribute: The color of turn volumes is based on the values of the attribute selected in the  <Attribute name> field as well as on the Class bounds and colors:
  • Lower bound column: Value that represents the lower bound of the selected attribute within this value range. Based on value range after MIN, on upper bound of the row above.
  • Upper bound column: Value that represents the upper bound of the selected attribute within this value range. The upper bound belongs the value range.
  • Name column: Name of the class in the legend

: Select a pre-defined color scheme that contains class bounds and colors. The color schemes vary in color and class bound:

  • Red-yellow-green: 11 classes, class size by default 0.500, 11 colors
  • Green-Amber-Red: 11 classes, class size by default 0.500, 11 colors
  • Speed: 11 classes, 11 colors from pink to red, yellow, green to MAX = white
  • Density: 11 classes, 11 colors from white to light blue, blue to MAX = white
  • Volume: 11 classes, 11 colors from white to light blue, blue to MAX = white
  • Relative delay: 11 classes, 11 colors from white to light blue, blue to MAX = white
  • Level-of-service value: six classes, six semi-transparent colors from blue to green and yellow to MAX = red

Range scale factor:

  • Enter a factor for the upper bound and lower bound
  • Apply button: Multiply values of upper bounds and lower bounds by a factor

6.  Confirm with OK.

Superordinate topic:

Visualizing turn values