Specifying filter conditions and applying filters

Note: Network objects are only active if they comply with the current filter conditions and are contained in the spatial selection (Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection).

1.  Make sure that the filter window of the desired network object type is open (Opening a filter window).

2.  Select the desired tab (hierarchical filters) or the desired category in the list (POI filter and GIS object filter), if required.

3.  Set up the filter conditions (Specifying a filter condition).

4.  Select the desired options in the upper part of the filter window.




If the option has been selected, all network objects that comply with the filter conditions are set passive. All others are set active.

If the option has not been selected, the network objects that comply with the filter conditions are set active. All others are set passive.


If the Complement option has been selected for individual filter conditions, it first has an effect on the individual filter conditions. They result in an overall complement. The Complement option applies to the entire filter condition.


If the option has been selected, all network objects are active of which the undirected values based on both directions comply with the respective filter conditions.

If the option has not been selected, only the directions of the network objects will be active which comply with the respective filter conditions.


A link has the following PrT volume:

  • From node 10 - To node 11 = 500
  • From node 11 - To node 10 = 700

As a filter condition, Volume[Veh] PrT 500 is specified.

If the option has been selected, no direction of the link will be active since the undirected value of the volume is 1200 and the filter condition is thus not met.

If the option has not been selected, only the direction From node 10 - To node 11 will be active, since the value lies within the specified range.


The option is only provided in the link filter, turn filter, main turn filter and in the connector filter.

5.  Select the Use filter option.

In the Filter applies to section of hierarchical filters, you also have to specify, to which network object types the filter conditions shall apply (Working with hierarchical filters).

6.  Click the Preview button.

The network objects are displayed active and passive according to the current settings. The Filter for <Network object type> window remains open.

7.  Edit the filter settings, if required.

Note: If you edit the filter settings, you need to click the Preview button again to refresh the display.

8.  Confirm with OK.

Tip: Alternatively, you can confirm your changes with Alt + Enter.

The network objects are set active and passive according to the current settings.