Opening a filter window

1.  Right-click the  Switch on/off filter symbol of the desired network object type.

The Filter for <Network object type> window opens.

Tip: You can also call the Filter for <Network object type> window via the Filter > <Network object type> menu.

Notes: For POIs and GIS objects, at least one category needs to be defined so that the window opens.

For the network object types stops, stop areas, and stop points, the same window Filter for PuT stops etc. opens in each case.

The upper part of the Filter for <Network object type> window contains options which apply to the entire filter.

The lower part of the window usually contains a list in which you can define the filter conditions. In hierarchical filters, several lists are arranged in tabs - one tab for each network object type of the hierarchy.

In the list, each row is equivalent to a filter condition. The options in the list apply line by line (Specifying filter conditions and applying filters).