Defining the Dynamic Potential for a ramp or stairway
1. Make sure that the following columns are displayed in the Ramps & Stairs list:
- UseDynPot: Use Dynamic Potential
- g: Basic force
- h: Direction impact
- Impact: Impact
- CalcInt: Calculation interval
- ObstDist Obstacle distance
- Cell size
2. Select the desired option in the row of the required construction element, in the Use dynamic potential column.
3. Edit the attributes (Dynamic potential attributes).
Tip: Alternatively, you can define the dynamic potential for a ramp or stairway in the Ramps & Stairways window on the Behavior tab (Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators). |
You can also define the dynamic potential for a static pedestrian route (Defining the Dynamic Potential for a static pedestrian route).