Attributes of signal controllers

The Signal Controller window opens when you define a signal controller and have selected that you want the program to automatically open the Edit dialog after object creation (Right-click behavior and action after creating an object). By default, only the Signal controllers list is opened.

Into the Signal Controller window, you enter attribute values for the signal controller. For a signal controller which has already been defined, you can call the window using the following function:

  • ►  In the Signal Controllers list, double-click the row with the desired signal controller.

The signal controller may have additional attributes. You can show all attributes and attribute values in the Signal controllers list. You can open the list via the following function:

  • ►  On the Lists menu, click > Intersection Control > Signal Controllers.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of a network object (Selecting cells in lists), (Using lists).

Every signal controller can have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (Using coupled lists).

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

Basic attributes of signal controllers

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the list of network objects for the particular network object type.

Element Description


Unique number of the signal controller



Signal control procedure for signal controller


Enables or disables the signal controller during simulation

Cycle time

CycTm: Only for control procedures Siemens VA, TRENDS, VAP, VS Plus, as for these the cycle time is not set externally.

  • Fixed: Duration of a cycle in seconds. Vissim also calculates the cycle second for the above control procedures.
  • variable (CycTmIsVar): The controller provides Vissim with the relevant information on the active cycle second. In the signal times table and in the signal controller detector record, the scaling of the x-axis is based on this information.
Offset Offset: The times of the first cycle and all others are reset and shifted back by the offset time in [s].

Under them, the following tabs are displayed:

For the control procedures Siemens VA, TRENDS, VAP AND VS-Plus, the Signal groups tab is displayed, as for them the signal groups are not set externally (Defining signal groups for Siemens VA, VAP, VS-Plus).

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The Signal Controllers list is displayed as the left of two coupled lists.

In the list on the left, you can select a signal controller. In the list on the right, you can show the objects assigned to it. Depending on the procedure type (Type attribute) used, there are the following restrictions:

  • Relations are not available for all procedure types.
  • Relations cannot be edited as attribute values with all procedure types.

1.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

The right-hand list is shown. If there is no assignment, only the column titles are shown.