Chart toolbar

Element Name Description

Chart layout selection

Configure Chart

Open the Create Chart window and select data (Configuring the chart type and data)

Edit window graphic parameters

Use graphic parameters to define how the various elements of the chart are displayed (Adjusting how the chart is displayed)

Edit title graphic parameters

Edit legend graphic parameters

Edit drawing area graphic parameters

Edit x-axis graphic parameters

Edit y-axis graphic parameters

Edit data series graphic parameters


The chart is synchronized with all network editors and synchronized lists. When you select or deselect bars or network objects in the chart, they are also selected or deselected in other windows, and vice versa.

The Sync option in the Create Chart window is linked to Synchronization. The Sync option is therefore selected when Synchronization is selected, and vice versa.

No synchronization

Only for bar charts and line charts: The chart is not synchronized with other program elements. The Sync option in the Create Chart window is not selected.

Copying an image to the clipboard

(Continue using a chart)

Export image (Screenshot)

(Continue using a chart)