Displaying result attributes in attribute lists

In the attribute list of a network object type, in one of the columns, you can display result attributes. The column lists the attribute values of the result attribute. For example, in the Vehicles In Network list, in the Speed column, you can display the current speed of the individual vehicles. The result attributes can have sub-attributes. You can then filter the display of data in the list. You can save lists to an attribute file *.att (List toolbar).

1.  Configure the desired evaluation of result attributes (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

2.  From the Lists menu, choose the desired network object type in whose attribute list you want to show the result attributes.

The Attribute list opens.

3.  Click the Attribute selection button .

The window <Name Network object type>: Select Attributes opens.

4.  If desired, click the Filter button and filter the data (Setting a filter for selection of subattributes displayed).

5.  If you have filtered data, in the Attribute filter window, confirm with OK.

6.  Repeat the following steps for all attributes that you want to show in the attribute list.

7.  In the section on the left, click the desired result attribute.

8.  Click the button.

The attribute selected on the left is listed on the right in an additional row. You cannot edit hatched cells or the attribute name.

9.  If desired, edit the value in a cell on the right (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

10.  Confirm with OK.

11.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

The data from the simulation is shown in the list. A column with result attributes is shown for each filtered sub-attribute. You can switch between the open program elements, for example, between various lists and network editors.