Combining static routes
You can connect a static vehicle route with other static vehicle routes that end on the same link before. Requirements must be met for this (Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions).
1. In the Network Editor, right-click the routing decision of the downstream static vehicle route.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Combined static routes.
The link sequence of each vehicle route of the selected routing decision is appended to each vehicle route with a destination section further upstream on the link of the selected routing decision. These destination sections and the selected routing decision are deleted in the Network editor. The link sequences are connected and then displayed as a yellow band by default.
The selected static vehicle routing decision is deleted from the Static vehicle routing decisions list.
The Static vehicle routes list on the right is updated for the static vehicle routing decision, to which the link sequence is appended.
Tip: Alternatively, in the Static vehicle routing decisions list, right-click the routing decision of the downstream static vehicle route. Then on the shortcut menu, click Combine routes. |
Superordinate topic:
Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions
Related topics:
Placing the routing decision and the mode of action in the simulation
Attributes of static vehicle routes
Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions
Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions
Attributes of parking routing decisions
Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions
Attributes of managed lane routes