License keys

Each license has its own unique license key for activation. Example: ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY.

Each license consists of a sequence of multiple license keys that build upon each other: the initial activation key and any subsequent update keys added through license extensions or modifications.

Unless the license is a cloud license, you will receive this license key by email when a new license is issued.

The key uniquely identifies the license and is required from version 2021-xxx exclusively when activating the license, not for updates or deactivation.

If you accidentally activated a license in the wrong license container, you can deactivate this license and activate it again with the same key in another license container of the same type (Deactivating a license on your own computer), (Deactivating a license on a license server). This is also how you move licenses. For soft containers, this is necessary, for example, when a computer is replaced.

Note: When moving to another license container, see the note about matching licenses in the topic License binding and license container(License containers).

In the Web Depot (until version 2020), the license key is also required for license updates and license returns. In this process, a new key is created for each update and sent to you via email.

Some licenses can be activated multiple times. In this case, you can install the license with the same license key in different license containers.

Superordinate topic:

Basics of license management