Timetable-based assignment: Basis page



Calculate assignment

If this option has been checked, the assignment is performed.

If this option has not been checked, the assignment is not performed.


You may, for example, calculate only skim matrices or perform connection export.

Calculate skim matrices

Select this option to calculate the skim matrices selected on the Skim matrices page (Timetable-based assignment: Skim matrices page).

Analyze risk of delay

If the option is selected, the risk of delay is analyzed after assignment. You can make further settings on the Risk of delay page (Timetable-based assignment: Risk of delay page).

Calculate service frequency

If this option has been selected, the service frequency is calculated for each OD pair. The frequency of service indicates how often a supply operates on a relation (Fundamentals: Skims of frequency). The service frequency by OD pair can be displayed in the Service frequency column of the Paths > PuT OD pairs list.

Use connector shares

If this option is selected, the assignment is calculated with a proportional distribution of the transport demand across the connectors (Fundamentals: Distribution of the travel demand to PuT connectors).


If you want zones to be accounted for with proportional distribution during the assignment, set the Share PuT attribute to 1 (yes). The shares of the connectors of these zones must be specified (Connectors: Basis tab).

If this option has been checked, certain path attributes in lists are no longer defined clearly, e.g. access time.

Save detailed log files

If this option is checked, the assignment results will be saved to log files on the connection level.

Restrict demand data section

OD pairs considered for assignment

Use the drop-down list to determine which OD pairs enter the assignment.

  • All
  • Only active OD pairs
  • Only active origin zones
  • Only active destination zones
  • Only pairs of active zones


The setting specified for the OD pairs analyzed might differ from the setting for skim matrix calculation.

If a restricting zone interval has been set for assignment, this will reduce the number of analyzed OD pairs even more.

Restrict and destination origin zones

Here you can restrict the calculation to the demand of the selected origin and destination zones. Thus only the selected rows of the demand matrix will be assigned.


If both entry fields are empty, Visum will assign the entire demand matrix.

If only a single zone number is entered, Visum will use this value as the upper or lower limit respectively (half-open interval).

The restriction applies to all iteration steps of the procedure: assignment, skim matrix calculation, and connection export, where applicable. In addition, the restrictions of the drop-down list OD pairs considered for assignment apply.

Assignment time period section


Only that part of the timetable and travel demand are considered for assignment that lies within the specified time period. The time period must be entirely within the analysis period.


If a calendar is used, you need to select a weekday or a date (Selecting a calendar ).

Pre-assignment/Post-assignment period

The assignment takes into account only the part of the timetable that lies within the interval, defined by the pre-assignment, the from/to parameters, and the post-assignment. If this interval is not within the analysis period, a ring closure is performed with respect to the analysis period. So, for example, if you have a weekly calendar and the analysis period is limited to Wednesday, the assignment period is Wednesday and the post-assignment time is 4h, then the assignment after 24:00 will take into account the Wednesday timetable, not the Thursday timetable.


Connections can already start in the pre-assignment time and they can only end in the post-assignment time, but they can also have taken place completely within the pre-assignment or the post-assignment time.

Calculate paths from section

Connection search

If this option has been checked, Visum determines the connections.

Stored connections for DSeg

If this option has been checked, Visum does not perform connection search, but will use connections precalculated in a previous assignment instead.

In the list, click the demand segments with the connections you want to read in (Fundamentals: Opening of the timetable-based assignment: Export/Import of connections).


All imported connections are taken into account during assignment, regardless of the defined assignment time period.

When calculating a skim matrix, no skim values are calculated for OD pairs with no demand, i.e. with no paths.


If this option is selected, connections are read in from a file (Fundamentals: Opening of the timetable-based assignment: Export/Import of connections). Via the button, select the desired file in *.con format.


Irrespectively of the specified assignment time period, the assignment will regard all connections read from file.

You can also save connections to several files (Timetable-based assignment: Connection export page).

Import fares

If this option has been selected, fares stored by path or path leg are read from the file specified for File, if available. Visum calculates the impedances, skim values and choice on the basis of the fares read from the connection file.

If this option has not been checked, Visum reads only the connections from the specified file. Impedance, skim values, and choice are calculated based on the fare model (Revenue calculation using the fare model).


This option is only provided if option File has been checked.

In the connection file, fares are not stored per demand segment, i.e. for all demand segments the same fare per connection is read in from the file.

If the connection file stores the fares on path leg level, the fare of the connection results from the total of the fares of the path legs. If the connection file stores the fares on path level, the fare of the connection is used without changes.


Fares are saved on path leg level or separately per path leg if, under Calculate  > General procedure settings > PuT settings > Assignment in the Save imported fare data list, you click On path leg level (Settings for saving PuT assignment results).