The list window

Once you have selected a type of list, a list window opens.

(1) Title bar

The list header shows the name of the list in squared brackets. You can edit the name of the list (Editing window headers of lists).

(2) Menu bar

Once a list window is open, the List (<Network object type>) menu appears on the far right on the menu bar.

(3) Column header

As column header, either the short or the long name of the attributes is displayed, according to the setting. Any selected relations are put in front, for example Min:InLinks\FromNodeNo. A tooltip provides further information about the displayed attribute if you point at a column header.

Here you can edit the current attribute selection (Viewing/Hiding attributes), adjust the layout (Adjusting the list layout) or sort a list (Sorting a list).

You can change the height of the column header by dragging it with the mouse. Long attribute names can thus be displayed in full below each other.

(4) Data

Here you can view the values of the selected attributes. The shortcut menu offers various editing options.

Note: The first column of a list indicates the number of the row.

(5) Toolbar

In the toolbar, the following functions are provided:




Copy list to clipboard

Copies the content to the clipboard (Exchanging list contents via the Clipboard)

Paste content from clipboard

Pastes the content from the clipboard (Exchanging list contents via the Clipboard)

Save list as attribute file

Saves the list to a text file (Saving a list as an attribute file)

Save list to database

Saves the list to a database (Exporting attributes to a database)

Attribute selection

Selection of the columns which are displayed in the list (Viewing/Hiding attributes)

Select list layout

Selection of a previously saved list layout

Save layout to temporary file

Copy list layout of active list to clipboard to use it in another Visum instance (Copying list layout to a different Visum instance)

Read layout from temporary file

Paste list layout of another Visum instance from the Clipboard into list of the active Visum instance (Copying list layout to a different Visum instance)


Adds an empty row to the end of list

Create multiple...

Creates several network objects in the list


Opens the Edit <network object> window for one marked row and the Multi-edit <Network object type> window for several marked rows.


Deletes the selected rows from the list

Show only active <network objects>

Activate or deactivate, to show only active objects of the selected type (Showing only active network objects)

Set all column filters passive

If the symbol is active, at least one column filter is active in the list. Click the icon to set all column filters passive and to display all data in the list.


The function only affects the data displayed in the list. Filters on network objects are not touched by this (Filtering the data of a column)

Show/hide cross-section view

If the icon is pressed only one row will be displayed for each network object. The direction-specific attribute values are summed up.

If the icon is not pressed, one row will be displayed for each direction of the network object. Separate attribute values will be displayed by direction.


This option is only provided for directed network object types such as links, turns, or OD pairs.

How the attribute values are to be summed up is predefined by an inherent logic. For values that are not numerical, only the value that applies to the outward direction will be displayed.

If the filter for network objects is active at the same time, objects of the inward direction are also displayed if the objects of the outward direction are hidden by the filter. However, there are only a few attributes for which different values for the outward and inward direction can occur in the cross-section, for example "FromNodeNo" and "ToNodeNo".

Searching for a network object

Highlights the row with the desired network object (Finding an object in a list)

Sort in ascending order

The list is sorted in ascending order by one or multiple columns (Sorting a list)

Sort in descending order

The list is sorted in descending order by one or multiple columns (Sorting a list)

Display/hide analysis row: Minimum

If the icon is pressed another row will appear in the column headers. It shows the minimum value by column.

Display/hide analysis row: Maximum

If the icon is pressed, another row shows the maximum value by column.

Display/hide analysis row: Average

If the icon is pressed, another row shows the mean value by column.

Display/hide analysis row: Sum

If the icon is pressed, another row shows the sum by column.

No synchronization with other windows

There is not synchronization with other windows.

Synchronization with other windows: Highlight

The objects marked in the list are highlighted in other windows and vice versa.

Note: Not all functions are available in every list.