Filtering the data of a column

You can select filter criteria for the data of a column and thus display only the data that corresponds to these filter criteria. In this way, you can reduce the number of data displayed in the list, for example, to data that you currently consider to be particularly relevant. This can be used for a clear presentation of the data in the list for a limited period of time, especially for large amounts of data. If you filter multiple columns in a list, each of these filters is effective.

You can deactivate each filter individually. This means that only filters of other columns are effective. You can set all filters in a list to passive. This will display all the data again ((5) Toolbar).

Filters are taken into account in the list layout. This allows you to reuse filters for the lists of a network object type.

Selecting filter criteria and displaying filtered data

1.  Move the mouse pointer over the column header of the desired column.

At the right edge of the column header, the symbol  Filter by data in this column is displayed.

2.  Click the symbol  Filter by data in this column.

If the list contains network objects and the network editor is open, the network objects are selected in the network editor. In the list, all fields below the column are selected. The filter opens next to the symbol and displays the following elements:

  • Activate filter check box: The check box is automatically selected when you select or enter filter criteria.
  • Search field: For attributes whose type is an enumeration type, a searchable selection list can be used to search for components of the names.
  • Filter criteria: Which filter criteria are displayed depends on the data type of the column. For entered text, data from selection lists, numerical values and check boxes, suitable relational operators, selection options or input fields are displayed:

Data type of the column

Filter criteria

Check boxes, for example, in the Points of interest list in the Use image file column

  • Yes: Show data for which the check box in the list column is selected. Yes is selected by default as the filter criterion, even if the filter is not yet active. If you accept Yes as the filter criterion and want to activate the filter, select the Activate filter check box to the left of Yes in the filter. If, for example, you leave the filter criterion Yes selected in the Points of interest list for the Use image file column and select the Activate filter check box next to it, the Points of interest list will only display POIs that use the specified image file to display the POI.
  • No: Display data for which the check box in the list column is not selected. If, for example, you select the filter criterion No in the Points of interest list for the Use image file column, the Activate filter check box next to it is automatically checked, and only POIs that do not use the specified image file to display the POI are displayed in the Points of interest list.

Entered text

The filter criterion consists of a relational operator and entered characters.

1.  Select the desired relational operator in the drop-down list of the filter.

  • Equals
  • Does not equal
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Contains
  • Does not contain

2.  Enter the desired characters in the text field of the filter.

The relational operator compares the characters entered in the field below with the contents of the fields in the list column. The list is filtered accordingly.

Selection field

The filter criterion consists of a relational operator and the selected object from the column.

1.  Select the desired relational operator in the upper drop-down list of the filter.

  • Equals
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Contains text
  • Does not contain text

2.  Select the desired object in the lower drop-down list of the filter.

The relational operator compares the object selected in the field below with the objects of the fields in the list column. The list is filtered accordingly.

Numerical value

The filter criterion consists of a relational operator and an entered value.

1.  Select the desired relational operator in the upper drop-down list of the filter.

  • Equals
  • Does not equal
  • Greater than
  • Greater or equal
  • Less than
  • Less or equal
  • Between
  • Between or equal
  • Top n: Maximum number of rows to be displayed
  • Bottom n: Minimum number of rows to be displayed
  • Contains
  • Greater than average
  • Less than average

2.  In the bottom field of the filter, enter the value of your choice.

The relational operator compares the value entered in the field below with the values of the fields in the list column. The list is filtered accordingly.


You can cancel the filter process by clicking the  symbol next to the value you entered.

Search field

In the case of attributes whose type is an enumeration type, you can search for components of the names.

When the filter criterion is selected, the check box for activating the filter is selected in the filter.

3.  For the filter to work, make sure that the check box is selected in the filter.

As soon as you have selected filter criteria that lead to filtering of the data in the list, the filter takes effect immediately. In the list, only the data that corresponds to the filter criterion is displayed. The filter is now active. The symbol is displayed in the column header on the right.

Deactivating an active filter of a column

The filter is active if the check box is selected in the filter and the symbol is displayed in the column header on the right. You can deactivate the filter and thus show in the list all data that was hidden based on this filter.

1.  In the selected column, click the <Filter condition> symbol .

The filter opens under the  symbol. In the filter, the check box is selected.

2.  Deactivate the check box.

In the column header, the symbol on the right is hidden. The list shows all data that was hidden based on the filter in this column. Additional filters can be active and hide data. The originally selected filter criteria of the deactivated filter are retained. This allows you to apply the filter with the selected filter criteria to the column again. To do this, select the check box in the filter.

Tip: Alternatively, you can set filters active or passive using the shortcut menu. To do this, right-click in the column header next to the filter that you want to activate or deactivate and choose the desired entry Set column filter passive or Activate column filter in the shortcut menu.

Setting all active filters of a column passive

You can set all column filters passive at the same time. The set filters are not deleted but switched off. All values in the list are then displayed.

  • ►  On the toolbar of list window, click the Set all column filters passive symbol.
Showing columns with empty values

You can explicitly filter columns of attributes that allow empty values to distinguish them from entries with the value 0.

  • ►  Select the Empty entry in the drop-down list of the column header.

The list is filtered for empty entries.

Accordingly, you can use the Not empty entry to filter all rows that contain values.