Selecting the direction of traffic

You can define the traffic direction in networks. When creating a new network, you can choose another traffic direction than for an opened or saved network.

Notes: The direction of traffic you should define first for your project and you should not edit it later.

In case of changes to the direction of traffic of an existing network existing node topologies are discarded. The display is not adjusted automatically and calculated assignment results are not reset automatically. Therefore, you should check your complete network and your data.

1.  From the Network menu, choose Network settings.

The Network settings window opens.

2.  Select the Basis tab.

3.  Choose either right-hand traffic or left-hand traffic for network modeling.

4.  Confirm with OK.

A query opens.

5.  Confirm with Yes or Yes for all.

6.  Confirm another security query with Yes.

In the network, the direction of traffic is changed and existing node topologies (Junction editor and signal control) are deleted.