Opening an external matrix
You can open a matrix file in Visum.
1. On the Matrices window toolbar, click Open external matrix.
The Open external matrices window opens.
Tips: Alternatively, from the Edit menu, choose Matrices > Open external matrix. Alternatively, in the Matrices window, right-click next to the navigator. Then from the shortcut menu, choose Open external matrix. |
2. Select the desired file.
3. Click the Open button.
Note: Alternatively, you may enter path and file name. |
A Matrix editor window opens with the selected matrix (The Matrix editor window).
Notes: In a network model, you can read in an external matrix when opening it (Importing an external matrix into a network model). Use the When you open an external matrix, it is listed in the navigator window Matrices. The matrix name remains visible after closing this matrix. Subsequently you can double-click the matrix name to re-open the external matrix. |