Properties and options of signal controllers

In the Create signal controller or Edit signal controller window, you can edit the properties and options of a signal controller.

Signal controllers: Basis tab




Unique number of the signal controller

The signal controllers are numbered consecutively. The preset number can be overwritten by a number that has not yet been assigned in the network.


Code of the signal controller


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.


Name of the signal controller


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.

Cycle time

Cycle time duration


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.

Signal control type

Use the drop-down list to specify the control type of the signal controller.

  • Signal group-based

The control of the signal controller is based on signal groups.

  • Stage-based

The control of the signal controller is based on stages to which signal groups are allocated.

  • Vissig

The control of the signal controller is edited with the external Vissig program (Editing signal controllers in the signal controller editor Vissig).


This type is only available with the Vissig add-on.

The External tab provides further information on the external controller.

  • RBC

The control of the signal controller is edited with the RBC editor (Editing signal controllers of the type RBC).


This type is only available with the RBC controllers add-on.

  • Epics/Balance local

The control of the signal controller is edited with the external Epics/Balance program.


This type is only available with the PTV Epics/Balance data provision add-on.


With this list you cannot convert an internal controller into an external controller (Converting an existing Visum-internal signal controller for Vissig).

Switched off

If the option has been selected, the signal controller is currently switched off.

Signal controllers: Nodes tab



Allocated nodes

The list displays all nodes that are allocated to the signal controller.

Unallocated nodes

The list displays all nodes that are not allocated to the signal controller.


You can only allocate nodes to a signal controller that are not yet allocated to a signal controller. To remove an allocation, you have to access and edit the signal controller of the desired node in the Junction editor (Editing a signal controller in the junction editor).

Use the button to allocate the nodes selected on the right to the signal controller.

Use the button to remove the nodes selected on the left from the signal controller.

Signal controllers: Main nodes tab

Note: This tab is only displayed if the network contains main nodes. The allocation works in the same way as on the Nodes tab.

Signal controllers: Optimization tab



Optimization method

Use the drop-down list to specify whether and how you want to execute a signal cycle and split optimization the signal controller (Fundamentals: Signal time optimization).

  • None

No optimization method is used.

  • Green time

Only the green time (signal split) is optimized.

  • Cycle time and green time

The signal cycle and split (green time) are optimized.


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.

Minimum cycle time

Minimum cycle time in seconds


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.

Maximum cycle time

Maximum cycle time of the control


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type RBC.

Used intergreen method

Use the drop-down list to specify the desired intergreen method for the optimization.

  • Intergreen matrix

If this option has been selected, the intergreen matrix will be used for optimization (Intergreens button).

  • Amber and allred

If this option has been selected, the amber and allred time will be used for optimization.


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type Vissig.


The button opens a window with a matrix in which you can specify the intergreens of the signal groups (Managing intergreen matrices).


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type Vissig.

An empty entry in the split time matrix means "without conflict", an entry 0 means conflict with split time 0.

Standard intergreen

Intergreen in seconds which is used for optimization if the intergreen matrix is empty (Optimizing signal cycle and split times for active nodes)


The option is not provided if you have selected the signal control type Vissig.

Level of Service

Level of Service of the signal controller


This value is calculated during the optimization (Signal timing optimization and coordination).

Level of Service - mean wait time

Mean wait time of a vehicle in seconds


This value is calculated during the optimization (Signal timing optimization and coordination).

Signal controller: Coordination tab



Coordination group number

Number of the coordination group the signal controller is allocated to (Managing signal coordination groups).

Is reference signal controller

If this option is selected, the signal controller is the reference signal controller for the optimization of the offset of a signal coordination group. After the offset optimization, this signal controller has the offset 0. If there are several reference signal controllers in a signal coordination group, the signal controller with the smallest number is the reference signal controller.

Time offset

Time offset for the beginning of the cycle

Signal controller: External tab

Note: This tab is only provided for external signal controllers.



File name

Use the button to select the file with the external signal control data.

Signal program number

Use the drop-down list to select the signal program.


You can also change the signal program in the junction editor (Switching off or manually changing signal programs in Visum) or set it automatically in the procedure sequence (Adding procedures to the procedure sequence).

The procedures ICA assignment, signal offset optimization and cycle and green time optimization use the currently selected signal program.

In the junction editor or in the Signal controllers list, you can alternatively assign daily signal program lists to external signal controllers.