Visualizing vehicles of the SBA assignment

Note: To enable this function, activate the Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA) add-on module ( Enabling or disabling add-ons ).

During a simulation-based dynamic assignment, a large number of vehicle trajectories is usually generated (Fundamentals: Visualization of vehicles from the simulation-based dynamic assignment). These can be visualized in the form of individual vehicles in a separate window, for example to illustrate assignment results.

If you want to display vehicles of the SBA assignment, proceed as follows.

1.  Run a simulation-based assignment with the desired settings (Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA)). Make sure that the recording of vehicle trajectories is activated on the Visualization tab (Simulation-based dynamic assignment: Visualization tab).

Note: You can also start the recording of trajectories afterwards, based on an existing assignment(Recording trajectories afterwards).

2.  Open the 3-D network view - SBA window (Opening the 3-D network view - SBA).

3.  Make the desired settings for the display (Adjusting the display of SBA trajectories).

4.  Synchronize the view with other windows (Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows), if necessary.

5.  Start the replay (Playing an SBA recording).

The SBA recording data is stored until a new SBA assignment is calculated or the Initialize assignment procedure is executed. Trajectory and signal head data as well as the simulation graph are saved with the version file.

The SBA trajectories form a basis for the Visum Publisher export (Visum Publisher export).