Evaluation lists

Evaluation lists only contain results from calculations or statistical values on the network model. Their entries can therefore not be edited. An example is the PuT path list:

Image 246: PuT path list

Evaluation lists for paths

The paths found between origin and destination zone in the assignment, are output in the path lists (User Manual: Editing the properties of objects in lists).

Note: The lists calculated are empty if no assignment was calculated.

PrT paths

By default, lists the paths calculated in a PrT assignment for the selected demand segment. The rows contain the paths from an origin zone to a destination zone.


You can switch between the path lists of demand segments and user-defined paths via the DSeg / Path set list. Then the user-defined paths of the respective path set are displayed.

You can define different standard layouts for both lists.

PrT paths links

Compared to the PrT path list, the links which lie on the path are listed additionally for each path. This is how the exact course of the path can be comprehended.

Via the DSeg / Path set list you can switch between the PrT path links list and the path items list of a user-defined path.

PrT path sets

Lists all existing user-defined path sets by default.


By default, lists all existing user-defined paths of the selected path set.

You can switch between the path lists of a demand segment and user-defined paths via the DSeg / Path set list.

You can define different standard layouts for both lists.

Path items

Lists all existing user-defined path items of the selected path set.

Via the DSeg / Path set list you can switch between the PrT path links list and the path items list of a user-defined path.

PuT OD pairs

By default, lists aggregated skims for each OD pair, which were calculated for the routes or connections found with the assignment.


You must calculate the skims beforehand – for PuT with the assignment or in a separate procedure (PuT skims), for PrT via the procedure Calculate skim matrix (PrT skims).

PuT paths

By default, lists the paths calculated in a PuT assignment for the selected demand segment. The rows contain the paths from an origin zone to a destination zone.

PuT path legs

By default, lists all path legs (Network model) of each route or connection of an OD pair from an origin zone to a destination zone for the selected demand segment, found by the PuT assignment.

Table 297: Evaluation lists for paths

Evaluation lists for transfers

There are three different transfer lists. These lists allow a display of the transfers per stop or per time profile / transport system and the transfers and stop area walk times within a stop (User Manual: Working with lists).

Note: The lists do not contain any entries if no PuT assignment was calculated beforehand.

Evaluation lists for paths from the shortest path search

The shortest path list outputs the attributes of a previously calculated shortest path search for PrT or PuT.

Note: A previously calculated assignment is not required.

Statistical evaluation lists

Statistics - Network information

The list provides statistical information on the current network.

  • Number in network

Number of objects per network type

  • License

Maximum number of objects for the current Visum license

  • Max

Maximum number of objects for the largest Visum license

Furthermore, the list also provides detailed information (with subattribute) on the specific number of network objects. These are for example

  • Number of origin connectors or destination connectors of PrT or PuT
  • Number of one-way roads or turning prohibitions for each transport system


The list further allows you to access attributes of the Network object, e.g. user-defined attributes.

Statistics – Goodness of PrT assignment

Output of convergence criteria as indicators of the PrT assignment quality (Convergence criteria of assignment quality).


The convergence criteria are automatically calculated for the PrT assignment procedures Equilibrium, Equilibrium_Lohse and Stochastic assignment.

The list further allows you to access attributes of the Network object, e.g. user-defined attributes.

Statistics - Goodness of PrT assignment with ICA

Output of convergence criteria as indicators of the PrT assignment quality for assignments with ICA


The list further allows you to access attributes of the Network object, e.g. user-defined attributes.

Statistics – quality of PrT simulation-based dynamic assignment

Output of convergence criteria as indicators of the PrT assignment quality for simulation-based dynamic assignments.


The list further allows you to access attributes of the Network object, e.g. user-defined attributes.

Statistics - Assignment analysis

Output of the statistical evaluation of the assignment analysis for PrT or PuT (Assignment analysis PrT and Assignment analysis PuT)

Statistics – PuT assignment statistics

Output of indicators for PuT assignments which refer to the entire network

The values of flow bundle routes and for filtered volumes (supply filter and filter for OD pairs) are also output.


The indicators are calculated automatically with a PuT assignment (Transport system-based assignment).

Emissions HBEFA

Output of the skims calculated network-wide by the emission calculation according to HBEFA (HBEFA-based emission calculation)


The list further allows you to access attributes of the Network object, e.g. user-defined attributes.

Table 298: Statistical evaluation lists