Defining elevators


When you create an elevator, the cab area and area between the exterior of the shaft and cab are automatically created. The elevator can be inserted into an area or next to it, with the door adjacent to the area.

1.  On the network object sidebar, click Elevators.

2.  In the Network editor, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the first corner point of the elevator.

In a next step, you define the first wall of the elevator. A door is automatically added to the first wall you define. The size of the elevator must be at least twice the wall thickness. Make sure that the elevator is sufficiently large.

3.  Press the Ctrl key, hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to second corner point of your choice.

4.  Release the keys.

5.  Drag the corner point open to the desired width or vertically to the desired depth.

6.  Double-click.

Elevator, shaft and doors are displayed in the Network editor. The elevator is selected.

Tip: Alternatively, in the Network editor, on the shortcut menu, click Add New Elevator. By default, a square elevator is added and selected. Using the anchor points, you can drag the elevator open the desired size.

The elevator is automatically assigned to the elevator group with the lowest number. If no elevator group has been defined, Vissim will create one.

7.  Edit the attributes of the elevator (Elevator attributes).

8.   Edit the attributes of the area that is meant to be the elevator waiting area (Attributes of areas).

9.  Confirm with OK.

The attributes are saved to the elevator list.